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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Blue's ears perked. "I love you guys- you're like the family I once had... But something is calling me- and I have to answer. I'll be back!" Blue said- and he teleported off.

[somewhere else in the forest]

Flicker was walking by himself, he stops by a pond, and stares glumly at his reflection. "Is... this me?" he thought to himself. "I've changed... where's the darkness- Where's the darkness in my heart?" He thought, prodding the water with his finger, several fish came up to nibble at it.

"Hello fish, are you my friend?" Flicker asked.

The fish swam away as soon as they learnt it wasn't anything edible.

"...I wish Shadow was here..." He said to himself, a teardrop landing in the pond. "Why does Flamey hate me? What did I do? Have I done anything wrong? Is it wrong to protect the ones I care for? The one's that I love?" He thought to himself, hugging his knees. He was silent for a few seconds, rocking to and fro slightly- then he looked up, fury pain and frustration.

"-Then I just won't love anymore." Flicker said bluntly. Hundreds of fish started floating upward... dead.

"Now-Now- isn't that a bit... rash?"

"Huh?" Flicker turned around- and found Blue there, his arms crossed. "Oh..." Flicker turned his head back. "Leave me alone."

Blue sat down beside Flicker. "Hey- what's wrong? C'mon- you can tell 'ol buddy-blue..." He said, wrapping an arm around Flicker.

"None of your business."

"I see you had a change in... attire?"


"Where's the black? It suits you. Well- you look cuter in light blue."

Flicker blushed bit. "I swear- if you don't leave me alone- I'll fight you-"

Blue sighed. "wouldn't you rather talk with me? Share your pain... I promise, you'll feel better."

Flicker was silent for a few seconds. Then he suddenly threw his arms around Blue's middle, and cried. Much to Blue's surprise.
Flicker explained through sobs and cries what he was feeling, everything that had happened, everything about how he loved Flamey- how hurt he felt when Flamey turned him away- and how Shadow cried.

The fact that Shadow cried interested Blue- he felt a bit... happy. Happy that Shadow felt pain.

Blue slowly put his furry arms around Flicker- but withrew them instantly- as he was pricked by one of the numerous spikes on his armor. Blue unbuckled it slowly, took it off- and propped it to his side. He then embraced Flicker in a consolig manner.


"Yes Chaos?"

"-it's Flicker.."

"What is?"

"My name."

"oh.. Yes Flicker?"

"Are you... going to molest me?"
Flamey nods happily. "Gweat! I'll find Flicker so he can come with us! Wait... h-hey, he's gone!" He begins running around, calling Flicker's name.
''God... I lost Flicker's sight...'' he laughs to himself and then closes his eyes searching for his aura, immediatly finding him, but also feeling someone he knows there. Blue.

Mar slightly jaw drops, ''Uh-oh... Flicker's with Blue...'' he quickly runs after Flamey.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
He looks down with sadness. "yes. and they're still alive. I can't get back to them. I'm stuck here... wherever Here is..."
Blue was shocked. "NO- of course not- I won't molest you- I promise!" he said.

Flicker was silent. then he looked up. "Can you molest me?"
Mar felt strange as he ran to where Blue and Flicker were, attempting to drag Flamey with him, ''Why aren't they clashing... it has been some time and they don't even move...''
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Flamey stumbles after him, not asking questions.
"Chao- I mean- Flicker-- you DO know what molest means, right?" Blue asked nervously.

Flicker nodded. "Yeah... Jura molested me."

Blue was shocked- yet again. "Oh you poor kid- what did that monster do to you?" He asked concernedly, wrapping his arms around flicker tightly.

"W-why? He didn't hurt me- I liked it- it made me feel nice..." Flicker said, shocking Blue YET AGAIN.

"Oy vey..." Blue thought. "That bastard- how could he do that to someone so... young!"

Flicker was silent, waiting for Blue's answer.

Blue shook his head. "Are you asking this of me because you are feeling an intolerable amount of pain and misery?" Blue asked.

Flicker nodded sadly.

Blue stood up- he then flung his arm sidewards- and a jagged dark-blue sword with a winged hilt appeared on his grasp. "Then let me end your misery!!"


ooc: BGM: "we will rock you", slow version with no lyrics. lol


Flicker shook under the power of Blue's blade- he used his armguard to block it just in time- but Blue- fueled by his rage and his thirst for vengeance- was overpowering him.

"Gungh..." Flicker groaned as Blue slowly made him sink several inches into the mud.

"Hehehe... Pain? misery? Don't go whining to ME about pain and misery until you've gone through what I have... Specially since quite a good deal of that pain and misery... was caused by YOU!!" Blue repulsed his blade, knocking Flicker back several feet- Flicker turned around immediately- blocking Blue's hind-attack, Flicker had predicted all of Blue's moves so far- but Blue only got faster- and stronger-


"Argh-" Flicker clutched his unguarded right shoulder- which was bleeding- sparks flew as he blocked the next attack- which to him was like five slashes in one swipe-

"-Here's a taste of my pain- Chaos!" Blue said from above- he twirled around in the air like a tornado- and headed for Flicker- who generated a barrier- and clashed with Blue.

"-ugh- if I can just-" Flicker said to himself. He knew that after Blue slowed down from spinning head first- he would have a chance to strike- it was like that when he fought a shadow practice dummy that resembled and fought like a wargreymon-

"CROSSED SWORDS!" Blue yelled suddenly, slashing in an X- to Flicker's surprise- Blue's attack shattered the barrier-

"AH-" Flicker hit the ground, motionless- he couldnt move his arms- his legs- and his armor had a charred stain in the shape of an X on it.

Blue aproached Flicker slowly, his other sword- the one Flicker didn't notice him summon- (Conjure, actually. It's a Guardian thing.) disappeared in a sparkle of light (You'll know how that happened if you play kingdom hearts), and he grinned. "No matter who you really are... Flamedramon Chaos mode... Flamey's Brother... Shadow's Protege, His right hand man...Flicker..." Blue said coldly, his eyes glowed Deep amber. "-You'll always be Chaos to me... Chaos... the one who killed Tiku, My little wolf cub... and Linaine Fenris, the only girl whom I have ever loved..." Blue said colder still. He raised the sword. "Goodbye, Chaos."

Flicker opened his blurry, tearful eyes. "-wait... I wanna ask you something... please..."

"Go on."

"promise me- that you ...won't... let.... Flamey... *urgh-* Know.... okay?"

"I promise." Blue said, bowing his head and getting ready to strike.

"Thank- you... and... Blue? ...I'm sorry..."

"I know... and I forgave you a long time ago... NOW SAY GOODBYE-" Blue readied his blade- and swung down.

"AHHHHH-" Flicker yelled, covering his eyes with his arm- and bracing for the pain- but it never came.

>(Loud metalic chink of two blades clashing)<

"SHADOW!!" Flicker heard Blue yell.

"Another Time, Blue, another time." Flicker heard Shadow's voice mutter mockingly- he was lifted off the ground- and the last thing he heard- was Blue charging at Shadow, shouting.


"Are you still with me, Flicker?"

"huh? Wh-what happened..." Flicker said, oppening his eyes. The first thing he saw- was Shadow.

"You're safe here. Your brother and Martin shall find you here." Shadow said- and he teleported off.

[cut to Blue]

"Hmf.... another time then... old friend." Blue thought to himself as he made the blade vanish with a spark of bright light, then went up the elevator to their room.
Seit gets up from his Chair and teleports to the forest.
"it was boreding in there...."
he walk out in the open without his hood covering him.
"i would what the mortals are doing...."
Almost immediately, Flamey yanks away from Mar and comes running up. "Bwother! What happened?! You're all hurt! Tell me!"