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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Flamey suddenly jumps down and starts sniffing around. "I smell... Jura!"

Zeke suddenly sighs and gets out of the water, watching Ryon swim in there.

OOC: Don't remember where we are with Ky and co, so...
OOC: Jura and Co are in another dimension- Ky is with Cronos and Blue in a hotel, lol.
Jura slowly unstrapped and unbuckled Chaos's armor, it took a while- because Chaos wore a lot. After removing the spiked shinguards, the half-greaves, waistguards, left shoulder-armor, chest-plate, leg-guards and the right armguard, Jura took of Chaos's Razor-Horned mask... revealing his charming face.

Chaos shivered a little. "Brrrr... I've only ever took it off when nobody was looking... Mastar Shadow said it was bad..."

Jura felt a little guilty, doing this to someone so young. "It's okay... it's only us here- I promise you'll like what I'm going to do to you..."

Chaos nodded obediently. "Okay Mr. Jurian..."

Jura was shoked. "How did you know my real name?"

"Jurian Vanslaught... I know your name... Shadow told it to me." Chaos replied.

"Okay... uh- since you're already lying down, I want you to spread your arms and legs a bit wider, so I can examine you..." Jura instructed.

Chaos did as he was told, totally opening himself to Jura, feeling very exposed- a streak of red appeared on his face. "How's that?"

"Perfect... now just close your eyes.... and relax...." Jura said, patting Chaos's head softly.
OOC: Hmmmm


Keres rests under a tree trying to think where Dark Keres might be, then he looks at Blaize, "Blaize, can you try to locate where Dark Keres is?"

While Dark Keres managed to regain consciousness and weakly tried to swim out of the water, still holding onto the crystal, soon he rests on the shore, looking at where he was. "Where am I?..." he says as he looked around, then he spots a huge building. "Uhhh... I hope they got medics there..."
Blaize sat down. "Working on it." He said as he stared blankly into the distance. "Found him- he's a a mile and five kilometers north east from here- hop on-" Blaze said, readying himself for Keres to mount him.
he pours hot water into the sink and moves to the freezer he digs around the freezer and grabs the roast beef. "Oo! cold!" he says as he makes his way to the sink and plops it in. "should be warm enough to start in an hour" he says as he turns the tap off.

"where's my robe?" he wonders as he looks around. "grease splatter is a huge part of cooking this way...pretty painful if you ask me. especially naked..." he blushes lightly
Kai walked to the closet and grabbed the robes and stared to wear one. "Here you go Humon, this should help." said Kai.

Mean while still at the enterance of the city Calub started his search.
occ: i had the last post with Blue and co.

Blue Rover Wrote:Cronos lifted Ky's head and captured his lips, teasing Ky's lower lip asking to enter his moist cavern.

i think we got preoccupied with the nivete of Chaos...
Veemon's Followers
''Jura?'' Mar questions himself, then looks on Flamey, ''Do you mean the tall guy in the little cottage before?'' he asks Flamey.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Flamey nods. "Yeah, but only in this one spot... It's like he was here and then disappeared!"

Ky grins and lets him, playing with his tongue.