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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"your welcome, I guess... I liked that game- it felt good... What was it called?" Blaize asked, closing his eyes as Keres hugged him.
Keres was already dressing up and he left since he didn't hear Blaize. Dark Keres leaned down to Blaize and whispers to him. "My lil friend, you just fucked Keres and got fucked by me... it's called sex. Dark Keres chuckles. "Well I guess you sinned..." Dark Keres looked at Blaize, grinning evilly and looks at him with his red-eyes. "I wonder how sinning affects your role as a Gaurdian..." Dark Keres laughs out loud as he goes out of the bathroom.
"I sinned..." Blaize said to himself quietly. ".....nothings happening?" He said, looking at the ceiling. "I guess Keres wanted me to fuck him.... what the V.I.B. says, goes- so I guess it's not a sin... but if that was fucking- I loved it!!" He said cheerfully, finishing showering.
Keres was outside, looking quite happy more than usual. Dark Keres followed up, looking at Keres. Keres turns to see him. "Where's Blaize?"

"He's finishing up."


Keres and Dark Keres wait outside for Blaize.
Blaize summoned his armor back on, and it appeared in a burst of flame. He then trotted outside to meet up with Keres. "So what do we do now, buds?"
"I guess it's time to find the culprit who made Geon live again." Keres said as he picked up his scythe. "Yeah... I'm a bad guy but I still don't like it when someone blames me for something bad but I didn't do." Dark Keres said as he picked up his Roullete Blade.

"Hey Dark, why don't you try using your Roullete Blade so it can reveal who did it." Keres said to Dark.

"Are you crazy!? You know that the Roullete Blade does random effects!" Dark Keres ranted at Keres.

Keres disappeared in a puff of smoke and reappeared, but he was now in a pink shirt and in a pink skirt, leaning on Dark Keres. "Awwww Please!"

"WAAA! Don't use the Pink Keres!!! EVER!!! Okay Okay! I'll do it!" Dark Keres said as he protested when Keres was rubbing his paws on his body.

"Good Boy..." Keres said as he transformed back into his normal self.

"Okay... Here we go! Roullete Blade! Show me who released Geon!!!" Dark Keres threw the Roullete Blade into the sky and waited for it to come down with an answer.

A couple of hours pass and they wait but it still didn't come down.
"Do you think you threw it too hard?" Blaize asked, staring into the sky, swishing his tail around a bit.
"No... I'm sure I didn't throw it that strong..." Dark Keres said turning his back from Keres.

Keres was still looking up the sky. "Hey is that it?"

The sword falls from the sky but when it landed in front of Keres, it made a great huge explosion.

Blaize had jumped in front of Keres just in time- a red barrier surrounded them. The Barrier dematerialized, and Blaize breathed a sigh of relief. "I think it came through the atmosphere?"
Keres sighs in relief. "Thanks Blaize... Are you allright?" Keres asked Blaize.

"Oh yeah sure fine, I'm fine thank you!" Dark Keres was out of the barrier and was hit by the explosion, looking all burnt up.

"Errr... Blaize... you forgot to put a barrier over Dark..." Keres said, chuckling.