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Why do you love digimon?
That was just a joke, I don't smoke or drink. And I don't plan on ever starting.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Neither do I, thats my choice....... High five ! ^_^
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Good to hear! Despite my views on who should live I condemn drug abuse, I tried alcohol but that wasn't beautiful, I've seen and tested a variety of drugs and beside pot, I don't recommend any of them

Though I'm not stopping you and have no right to tell you what to do

and it will only be 2 more years for me to legally do what I've been doing for 8 or so years ^ ^

except the unconscious thieving, not sure why but I just love the rush of stealing, it's my little way of eking a thrill out of this rather grey world,

about the chair thing, my cousin beat her teach with a chair in 4th grade, I was laughing so hard, I never hurt my teachers but just loved to wale on those children who thought they were so tough and could do anything, I was also a freak as a kid and had a bigger body than most of them at every age until now
I tried smoking once... bah... it felt horrible, and I won't smoke in my life- even if I wanted, I'd die easely, my lungs are quite weak... -_-

But drinking is another thing, I've built quite some resistance, I know my limits IN DRINKING- and I haven't gotten drunk in 8 months since I started liking alcohol- so meh... STILL, being drunk isn't nice no matter what your friends tell you x.x
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Guess it depends on your constitution. Personally, I love getting a nice drunk on. Here's the rub, though. Make sure you mix your own drinks. If a friend is getting you drinks, they're mixing them uber strong.

You'd think I'd have learned that lesson after 6 years of drinking. I'm such a quick study, aren't I? ^_^

Back to loving Digimon...

I remembered way back in the day when it was first airing, my sister (who's 10 years older than me) LOVED Digimon. I know she watched all of season 1. She also liked the first season of Yu-Gi-Oh! when that airing, too. She liked Digimon so much that she even gave her dogs Digimon names. Her black lab (Mac) she named Blackandmacamon and the English setter (Poe) she called Poerurumon.

Needless to say, I got quite a start when I started watching 02 and heard that Hawkmon's In-Training form was Purururmon. It sounded very close to it and triggered that totally random memory.
Haha, I know of a girl who names her animals after her favorite cartoon, I won't say her name though *cough* Munkee *cough*

anyhow, I was such a softy for Digimon, I had the Tomagachi and actually remember sleepless nights taking care of it so that it would grow and be strong, I took it to school and in the car, and to the stores, and every where I went!

God I miss that thing *tear drop* the batteries died and I moved and lost it! I'm such a bad parent!!!

Back to the topic though...

I think somehow our love for Digimon gets reflected heavily on each of our world's, I can think of at least 5 instances I thought of Digimon today when the situation had nothing to do with it, and when I play with Muttly (the nameless dog) kind of reminds me of Digimon ^ ^

now if you tell anyone I cried when my Digimon died, I will skin you alive!! much <3 friends :D
Cry... god... when I first saw the episodes they were airing in Fox Kids, when I was little- I first thought ''Dude! This is pretty cool! wow... those things sure know to fight!'' (meh- typical little kid) and I saw it entirely! not...

It was just... so black... that day was so black... the day which Madariaga(my city) lost Fox Kids... was the day exactly, when Angemon lost his life against Devimon- and believe it or not, just after Angemon said ''Sorry TK...'' The TV started to go static wild and... Fox Kids was removed from my house... and from all the city... I was so... hopeless. It was horrible, and I dunno why, I started to get complexes from thinking on what would my life had been if Fox Kids never left Madariaga? What if I didn't wait till being 13 and being able to see Digimon 01 till the end? and even be able to see 02, Tamers and Frontier? (which I have to see in my crappy PC now
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
If it makes you feel better- I only saw the whole first season in ARABIC.... and a few eps of season 2 in PHILIPPINO- 3 and 4.... check!
Do you guys get toon disney? They've started reairing 01 weekdays at 8 here and 04 weekdays at 6:30 and weekends at 8. I'm finally getting to see 04 ^_^!
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Nope... but I'm trying to subscribe to animax- I guess it's not working because it only works in asia or something.