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"LET HIM COOK! LET HIM COOK! LET HIM COOK! LET HIM COOK!" Slashmon began chanting jumping up and down.

"I swear you'd go to a violen makers house if it meant free fish." Shadow took his attention away from his computer, focusing it on Mar, "Fine, but if you set anything on fire I'm hunting you down."

"Do you have a phillips head screwdriver anywhere?" Yolei asked, "This old module can't be changed with a square head."

"I got one in my tool kit, be right back." Shadow headed into his closet to get the tools.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Somebody knocked on Shadow's door.
Mar grinned to Shadow ''Don't worry! I'll be sure to end with a nice meal!'' He says and then is about to go to the kitchen, but hears the knocking and goes to Shadow instead ''Guess you should go to the door, I'm gonna cook now!'' He chuckles and then runs to the kitchen.

''So... woah- this is a nice scenery for a por-'' ''WAIT! I'm here to cook'' Mar shook his head and laughed softly, then headed to the fridge to take some things ''Let's see... Sukiyaki... or simple Sushi... hmm- this'll be hard to choose''
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
*The knocking got louder*
"DOORS OPEN!" Shadow shouted, trying to hold up a large box that was falling off the top rafters of his closet.

"Need a hand with that?" Yolei asked as a smaller box fell to the floor.

"NO!" Shadow quickly shouted, trying to hide the bold letters saying 'PORNO' on the box, "I got it, tool box is right there." He kicked a small red metal box towards her.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
''Hmm... wait- I know!'' Mar suddenly said and grinned ''Shisu! tell me he has vinegar...'' He says to himself and then looks around in the kitchen till finding three of four things he looked for ''Let's see- there's a big Mackerel here... that's enough, now- he has some good quantity of shallow seeds... and a bottle of vinegar!''

Mar places everything in the table and then looks around for a bit ''Now... I wonder if he has horsearadish...'' He started to look around for the last ingredient.

OOC: lol Breath of Fire geek XD
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: I remember that part. It took me almost 80 tries before I got it right. I was ready to shove it down the mayors throat!

Edit: Forgot to add the IC earlier :roll: .

IC: "There!" With one final push Shadow managed to get the large box back onto the top shelf, "I really need to move that one of these years." Shadow took a quick glance at Yolei's work, "Wow, your good at this. Need any help?"

"No, I work on computers all the time." She removed the old translation module and set it aside, "Maybe you should check on Mar, make sure he isn't destroying anything."

"Good idea," Shadow turned and left the room, "Hey Mar are you guys..." He stopped as he heard a knock on the door, "Didn't anyone answer that?"

"I'm not allowed to answer the door remember?" Slashmon said to him from the living room where he was trying to hook up the game system the only way he knew how, by kicking it.

"Now he decides to listen." Shadow opened the door, "Can I help you?" He asked the person standing there.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: I followed a stragey from GameFAQs... but still I couldn't get the Spirit Ring xP


Mar the turned back to work and found the some horsearadish leaves ''Kewl! This is gonna be great!'' And after little while, he grabbed the fish and sliced it with his claws to a neat looking slice, then repeated it two more times so he had three slices.

''This fish was quite big... he has got a very good rod to fish... or he has quite some money'' He says blinking and then starts preparing the shallow seeds into 3 rice balls ''Hmm... oh, I need more seeds there-'' He says and added some more seeds to one ball, making them be the same size according to the fish slice size.

''Now... the smell suprasor(sp?)...'' Mar slowly mutters and puts some leaves of horsearadish on the fish so the strong smell of the fish turns to be a quite good and pleasant smell.

''Let's see...'' He added some vinegar to the balls and fish slices, then joined each ball with it's slice of fish ''Now... some of Mar's seasoning!'' He grinned and quickly hurried to grab some selected seasoners, which weren't used normally, but he still grabbed lots of them and mixed them into a sauce ''I'm glad she taught me how to do this... this'll be great'' He chuckled and then added sauce to the three dishes.

''Let's knead it...'' Mar softly said and then kneaded the three Shisu's and put them in a tray ''Finished... god, I love cooking'' He grinned and then grabbed the tray, going to the living room ''This was fast... but here's some!''
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: I just kept hitting him with Ryu's sword and shooting him with Momo's gun. HE ANGERED ME!


"WHY DON'T YOU WORK!" Slashmon kicked the small white box of Shadow's newest game machine, hitting the on button by accident, "HA! I knew a little threatening would..." he began sniffing at the air, "FISH!" He bolted towards the living room at speeds that would rival a cheetah, "FISHFISHFISHFISHFISHFISHFISHFISHFISHFISHFISHFISHFISH!" He began chanting wildly trying to jump onto the table.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: I still wonder why people don't die when Momo shoots with that bazooka.


''Yup! Here's yours!'' Mar grinned and handed Slashmon a plate with one of the LARGE Shisu's, which had a really strong and nice smell thanks to the sauce Mar poured in ''And there's one for Yolei and Shadow'' He added.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad