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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"Wow- you've got a lot of energy-" Blaize said. "Do you wanna get out now? It's getting dark- and I don't want cha to catch a cold-"


Blue opened an eye. "H-huh..." He saw Ky, and immediately hugged him, sobbing. "Ky- I can still trust o-on you, right? Please tell m-me I can still trust you-"
"Well it's been a while since I had any fun at all so I really like to take a lot of time to have fun if I had the chance... But yeah... I guess you're right, it is getting dark..." Keres says as he gets out of the water and puts some wood on the ground and makes a campfire and calls out to you, "Hey Blaize, can you light this up for me?"
"On it buddy!" He said as he tapped the wood with his claws- and it instantly went ablaze.
Keres rests himself against Blaize, looking quite sleepy and tired. "Blaize is so warm... I'm so glad to have Blaize as my gaurdian..." Keres thinks to himself, blushing a bit. Soon Keres was asleep forgetting to put on his clothes.
Blaize (of course, hearing Keres's thoughts.) was delighted, he shifted a bit so Keres could get a better position, then he curled up, Keeping keres warm, he closed his eyes, and fell asleep.
Keres sleeps peacefully through the night.

"...There he is... Sleep soundly while you can still can Keres... I will come for you... and claim your power and body... and I will destroy your pitiful gaurdian too..."
Blaize woke up- careful not to wake Keres up. He looked around, his eyes blazing red, he gently shifts Keres, and stands Guard throught the night.
Suddenly an arrow was launched towards Keres.

OOC: Hey Gunter, would you mind if I take your idea of Blaize and put him up in my Web-comic?
OOC: No, I don't mind. Sure, Go ahead- what web-comic?

IC: Blaize caught it between his fangs- slammed his claws into the ground- and pulled- making long cuts on the ground- the shooter was ejected forward, into the clearing where Blaize had a clear view of him.

Blaize put all his claws out, his Shoulder armor glinted in the moonlight. "By order of The Guardian Sanctum- Yield." He said in a dangerous voice.
OOC: A furry adventure webcomic called W.A.N.T.E.D.


In front of you stands Dark Keres, he looks quite similar to Keres, except that he was in a black cloak.

"Foolish Gaurdian! Hahaha! The arrow was merely a disctraction! Now your V.I.B. Keres is under my poisonous spell! AND ONLY I CAN FREE HIM FROM IT! Try as you may, but I will never cure him. You can kill me if you want, but killing Keres' own shadow will only kill him too! And my evil spirit can take over his body and the power that is in it!"

Dark Keres looks at Blaize and spots his collar.

"I see that that fool Keres kept that along with him! He doesn't even know, that it was that thing that brought him here in the first place!"

OOC: *is on the bed* zzzZZZZzzzZZZzzzzZZZ