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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"No need buddy! I can get 'em cleaned up for you!" Blaize said cheerfully, his tail swishing around. "Just take 'em off, give them to me- and I'll do the rest!" he said, sitting down in front of Keres.

(Guardian-Magic is weird)
"Hmmm... I guess we're free to go wherever we want then! I wanna see more of this place... and I think I need to wash my clothes..." Keres says, then looks down to Blaize. "Hey Blaize, is there a lake nearby here?"
"Well ummm, okay. You guardians seem to have everything..." Keres says as he started to take off his clothes till he was down to his bare fur. Then Keres hands Blaize his clothes with a blush on his face.
"Hahaha! I know what you mean! I've heard of Guardians who have been used as household appliances by theri VIBs!" He said as he sorted his clothes and underwear. "Here we go-" Blaize said as he placed a paw on each, engulfing them in light for a split second, equivalent to a wash, dry and iron.

"All done! And don't be embarassed- it's just us here in the forest!" Blaize chuckled as he nudged Keres's clothes with his nose.
"Thanks!" Keres exclaimed as he took his clothes and put them in his back pack. "I really wanted to go to a lake... is there one nearby? I wanna go swim... How bout both of us go and have a dip in the water?" Keres suggests to Blaize.
"Okay- hold on." Blaize closed his eyes. (Guardian Survival Power(GSP)#5: RADAR, Global repositioning, etc.)
He opened his eyes again. "Found a lake! Hop on!" Blaize said, crouching down.
Keres hops on, still in his bare fur, carrying his scythe and backpack with him. "Okay Blaize! Let's go!"
"Right On!" Blaize bounds- and a few seconds later, he stops in front of a beautiful lake secluded from everythin but nature... with a waterfall.
"Wow... everything looks so cool and calm here!" Keres says as he admires the view, then he turns to Blaize and grabs him and throws him into the water then jumps in after him. "Weeeeeee!"
Blaize sputters in the water, then swims around, steam emitted from his fur as he cooled down. "Yeah! I like it here- it's sooo relaxing-"