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RP! Everything or nothing!
Yuki had her eyes wide open as she looks at all them, with all that conversation she didn
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"With where this conversation has gone can you blame her?" Shadow held out his hand towards Gabumon, "Almost forgot, I'm Shaun, but everyone just calls me Shadow, and the mental patient in my bag is Slashmon."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
RV just sat there and stared at his icecream. He suddenly developped manga eyes- tears streaming down his cheeks- and a flowery background. "No one ever paid for me before..." He then returned to normal, and bowed his head. "Tekeru Takaishi- I devote my life to you- I could've just converted the bits into yen- but you paid for it! I'm too embarassed- I can't eat it-"

Fang rolled his (at the moment) amber eyes. "Freak." He said, taking the bowl, and a spoon, and started eating RV's icecream.

"HEY-" RV said complained.

"You said you can't eat it." Fang replied casually, eating a spoonfull of icecream.

"You said you're watching your figure!" RV complained.

"But the icecream would then go to waste. I'm eco-friendly." Fang gracefully fed himself another spoonful of icecream.

RV was silent. He then suddenly threw his arms around Fang. "SIGH- you can't help lovin' this guy-"

"Don't. Touch. Me." Fang said dangerously, and RV withrew.

"Chill big guy!" RV said, moving away by an inch. "Heh.. good ol Fang- we've been friends since we were in-training!"
"With friends like that who needs enemies?" Yolei and Shadow said at the same time before breaking into a quick laugh.

"Can someone let me out of here?" Slashmon asked the bag he was in shaking slightly.

"You promise not to decapitate anyone?"


"Okay then." Shadow released the lock on the bag and Slashmon jumped out, stretching his limbs quickly.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Yuki even without saying a thing she grabs the spoon and starts to eat her ice-cream slowly as gabumon looks to shadow.

Gabumon: well
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
RV playfully poked Fang's cheek lightly, for fun, he poked over and over again.

"One poke equalls minus one year of your life." Fang said calmly, eating his icecream.
TK just laughed a bit at RV and Fang.

"It's okay RV ask for an icecream for you" he said smiling.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Fang licked the spoon. "Hey- this flavor's quite good." Fang said. He then offered to feed RV "Check it out-"

"Ahhhh..." RV opened his mouth as Fang fed him the spoonful of icecream. -he got shivers- and then- "Damn that's good icecream!"
Gabumon looked at Kari and Tk and slowly walked to near Kari. He looked deeply into her eyes while doing a fake little smile.

Gabumon: Kari... can you... go check on Yuki. she seems pretty shocked with all the conversation and well... *gulps*...i don't know what to say to cheer her up
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Kari smiled and gently petted Gabumon's head.

"Don't worry Gabu I'll talk to her" Kari said as she got up and walked up to Yuki and sat down besides her and caressed one of her ears gently.

"Yuki are you okay? don't mind much all that you just heard, it was just some teenager thing, is nothing to be shocked sweetie" she said in a soft voice as she kept caressing Yuki's ear
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions