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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"Are you sure?" Cerberus asked in concern. "Okay... I can call him anytime anyway..." Cerberus said. He then lay face up, his head resting on Keres's lap, his legs spread. he closed his eyes... and sensed around for signs of danger.
"I see...." Said Shadow's voice.

Then eerie laughter, Shadow sounded like he had heard something extremely funny.

"I like your style. ...But really... What do I gain from all this?"
"what do you want to gain?"
Veemon's Followers
"Oh, so you didn't plan on anything..." Shadow said... he sounded content.

"I'll tell you what, come up with better motives and reasons... then come back to this spot. If I agree with you, Then I will train you."
"you goddamn bastard! you want my reasons, my motives, fine! its to protect. myself, loved ones, and no, i'm not doing this out of greed."
Veemon's Followers
"I'm sorry. I don't see what this will do for me. I am not asking you to do anything. My group, is on a mission. So if you want to get stronger... hmph. Try out for a Guardian." Shadow's voice said coldly.
" for one, adding a fallen to your group will help you on your mission. two, while i am your student, i would have to do whatever you tell me to do."
Veemon's Followers
"One, A Fallen is not going to help us in our mission. Your powers will clash with the others, and will throw them off their training. Two- if you do... you will do MORE than that. Including hurting the ones you care for."
'exactly i'll hurt them, not kill them.' "then tell me, is there anything that i could give that would be anything of worth to you"
Veemon's Followers
"You DO know... That when I said 'Hurt', I meant 'Kill', right?" Shadow's voice said coldly.

"And I am sorry. There is nothing you can offer, unless it's Dark Blue... There is nothing you have that interests me."
"damn telepaths." he started to walk away. "i'll have to find someone else"
Veemon's Followers