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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Gunter VanCrimson Wrote:Cerberus sighed. "I can't love him... but I like him." Cerberus replied.

"You know... you remind me of Zed... an Elite guardian..." Cerberus said. "He looks ten- but he's been a high-ranking guardian for more than a billion years- he travels through the time streams and stuff like that... his partner, Moonshadow, is just as cool, he's my idol. I wanna be a great guardian animal just like moonshadow." Cerberus said. He felt bad about Keres... but his story was not very different from the Guardians back at Sanctum- all rather sad- tragic...

Cerberus rested his muzzle on Keres's lap. "Don't worry... I can get a Guardian to help you get back to your boyfriend... it's dangerous here..." Cerberus said.

(reffer to guardian list)

"Zed?... I still don't know about this world and about gaurdians that much..." Keres looks at Cerberus when he mentioned a way to get back. "Really!? Thank you then!" Keres looks really happy, hoping to get home really soon.

Name: Theody "Pup" Lirit
Affiliation: W.A.N.T.E.D.
Age: 9
Powers: Ethelion (Power to create something out of nothing and to turn everything into nothing).
Rage Skill: End of Earth.
Type: Neko-type (Ears and tail only) Wolf Pup.
Relations: Keres' Seizon-Sha (Survivor) Cousin.
Weapons: None
Clothes: Always in green pajamas.
Eye color: Green like Keres.
Description/History: A young boy partly transformed into a wolf, he was considered dead by his companions when he was unable to transform completely, but Keres kept on gaurding his "Sleeping" body for 100 years, doing everything to try to revive him. During the day of Keres' "death" he was awoken and searched for Keres. Months later when Keres was found and his evil-side defeated, Keres again disappeared because of blink's ability to teleport, now Theody is searching for him again.

In Earth (Fur-World) W.A.N.T.E.D. Headquarters.

Theody just woke up and looked for Keres, then when he asked Blink, he knew Blink's spell must've failed and teleported Keres somewhere far. "Please try to teleport me to where you teleported Keres!" Theody asks worriedly. Soon the spell was cast and Theody was teleported, but again to the wrong place.

>>>Insert Teleporting thingy here<<<

Theody woke up again but in another place, so he looks around the place thinking this might be the place where Keres is. As he looked around he saw someone, he saw Flamey, so he rushed to him. "Excuse me mister, did you see a young anthro-wolf pass by here?..." Theody asks as he was tugging on Flamey's arm.
he caughs out the water from his lungs, shuddering. "it gets deep in the middle. Watch out." he breathes out, and ends in a burp.

"I can barely swim. Sure I can dive in and move through water, but it helps when I can push *cough*cough* on the ground."
"Maybe I can teach you how to swim." said Kai as he put his arm on Humon's shouder.
Blue shook his head. "I'm sure he isn't. In fact- I'm not sure if Chaos is evil either- he just... adores shadow WAY too much..." Blue said.


"Go Get him, Seit!!" Cerberus cheered, raising his head. Then he turned it back towards Keres.

"We Guardians have been here for a very... VERY long time... The Guardian sanctum was created by God to keep the balance between good and evil, to protect certain "beings", to make sure everything goes as it should- like keep things in history the way it's supposed to be... and stuff like that. Guardians and their Partners, Guardian-Animals like me, go around doing stuff like that, everyone has to have a special abillity- like make stuff grow blah-blah-blah..." he explained.

"Often, we have missions to protect Very Important Beings- or V.I.B.s like Seit, who have a very strong significance to the timestream." He finished.

"I'll contact the Guardian responsible for Transport when he's not busy, don't worry."


Blue's ears perked. "There's something else in the building..."
Sothe was standing by the door of the room that Blue was in when she heard him say something else was in the house. the safty clicked off on her handgun. and she waited for the-what-ever-it-is to come.
Veemon's Followers
Blue's ears perked up again when he heard the click. "It's Sothe... Cronos's girlfriend..." Blue whispered. "Hey... Sothe- how long have you been there?" Blue called.
"about two minuets after Cronos left. why?"
Veemon's Followers
"Just wondering." Blue replied. "So where did Cronos go?"
"no clue."
Veemon's Followers
"Mm..." Blue mumbled to himself.