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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"are you sure you're not imagining that?" Chaos said.

Chaos looked Shadow eye-to-eye. "it's nothing. This doesn't concern you."

Shadow shook his head. "oh, but it does. your brother is acting very much like you when you first met me."

Chaos's heart skipped a beat. "Uh...."

"It's me. is it not?" Shadow said.
Flamey looks away, staying close to Chaos, not wanting to go near Shadow again.
Chaos nodded. "Yes. it's you." He said softly. To Chaos's surprise, Shadow smiled warmly.

Shadow kneeled down, and offered a hand to flamey. "Hi, what's your name?"
Flamey squeaks slightly in fright and backs away. "F-Flamey...."
"That makes sense... you're a flamedramon.." Shadow said. "The flaming courage, was it?" Shadow asked.
Flamey nods slightly, edging further away.
"Fire of Courage." Chaos corrected him.

"sorry." Shadow chuckled- he suddenly grabbed something out of midair- a bullet- he vanished for a split second- and returned with a monster hunter.
"Shame on.. aiming for a child." he threw the hunter on the ground.
Flamey gasps and watches. "N-no...."
Shadow raised his hand- claws out, ready to strike. "I'd better finish him before he calls in more... I suggest you cover young Flamey's eyes, Chaos."
"No, DON'T!" Flamey cries. "Don't do it again, Shadow!"