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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Jura landed gracefully at camp, and kneeled down again so that Flamey could get off. Vermilion arrived a few seconds later.

"Flamey!" Chaos said, running to Flamey. "you're back!"

"In the nick of time too." Shadow said- apearing from behind Jura. "Flamey... can I talk to you in private?"
*Gyno watches and screeches as Seit opens his long coat, then hides behind Cerberus. when the two lay down, Gyno situates himself on Cerberus's stomach, being small enough to not really be noticed by anybody, quickly falling asleep* Zzzz... night night new friends...
OOC: hey guys. took me some time to figure a way to introduce my charcter into this RPG. I'll be using the character I made in my stories, but only to the point that he is new to his change sohe's not coing to be Uuber cheap and absolutely fake (no digivolving but has his personal skills, and is an emotional wreck so he is fairly unpredictable when friends are in trouble). (has a tail by the way{to be introduced to my ass in my next story}sorry for making this post so big :cry: )

IC: A slight rustling in the background can be heard, but only just, as an unknown figure creeps around outside the campsite, his clotheshalf torn from constant wear.
"I need to get something to eat fast..." he hinks to himself as he quietly jumps into the tree branches.
Flamey wonders why, and is subconsciously afraid, yet at the same time maintains his childish curiosity and gets off of Jura's back.


Being mostly wolf, Ky's nose catches the particular scent-- but there are people everywhere, so he thinks nothing of it.
Shadow led flamey near a boulder, and bent down a bit so they were face to face. "Flamey, I want to ask you something. there are many bad people out there who want us dead, and we are weakening day after day, I just wanted to know if... you would want to join us?" Shadow asked sincerely.

"night... Gyno." Cerberus licked Gyno's forehead, and then caught a whiff of something nearby. he looked around, and decided to ignore it.
"Here you Go." Blue said, he was suddenly away from the group, and behind the figure, he offered it a sandwich (which he feared no more). Blue used his strange ability to detect aura- and strengthened his senses temporarily, he heard the figure's thoughts via mind-link.
Flamey gasps. "N-no! No way! I don't want to be dark!" He runs as fast as he can to his brother, hugging him tightly and crying. "I-I don't want t-to be evil...."
Not seeing blue coming up to him, he continues scouting when someone suddenly pops into view offering a sandwich. His face goes white as he stiffens up and falls out of the tree hitting branch after branch finally hitting the ground with a loud *thud!*

he lays limp and unconcious
"Huh?" Ky looks over. "Blue? What did you do?!" He runs up to assist.
"oops- I think I killed him-" Blue said worriedly, he jumped down and checked for a pulse. "he's out cold- hit it's head." He said, and began healing the figure. "I think it's just hungry." he said. "hey- I'm sorry I scared you- but if you still want something to eat, I'll be carrying you." Blue said via mind-link as he propped the figure's unconcious form on his shoulders.

"Hey Ky- can you help me?" Blue said.

"I know brother, I know... don't worry, mr. Shadow won't do anything to you." Chaos said, standing between his brother and Shadow. "won't you, mr. Shadow?"

Shadow bowed his head and closed his eyes. "of course not. it's his choice." Shadow said as he walked away. he stopped, and turned his head towards Flamey. "-but remember this, child. You don't neccesarily have to be evil to join the darkness." He said, and he continued walking- until he was engulfed in shadows.
Flamey shudders a bit in his brother's arms.

"Sure!" Ky runs up and helps Blue carry the unconscious figure. "Why don't you just rejuvenate him?"