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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Cerberus shook his head. " I know that. but that is the penalty." Cerberus turned around, trotted towards Cerberea and Guardian Zeke, and pulled them apart. "that's enough now. we have to go."

Zeke nodded. "okay. -and no prob- Zeke." Cerberus and Zeke disappeared in a gust of wind.

Cerberea looked back at Cain and Seit. "here." she tossed them a chain with a black diamond. "whenever you need a guardian, talk to it. see you around." she said, and then disappeared.


OOC: yaoi with Flamey and Jura?

IC: "hungry? we're going to pass some fruit trees- try and grab some as we pass!" Jura said, as he skimmed the treetops.


"are you going to let Ky do that to you, Cronos!? go get him!!" Scarlet cheered.

"Go Ky! take him down!!" Scarlet cheered again.
Zeke crosses his arms. It seems they may need help, yet they act as if I'm not even here.... Maybe I should just go home.

OOC: Sure, if you want.
IC: Flamey reaches out as far as he can-- he manages to grab two pears.

"Got some!"

"Huh? Who's side are you on?" Ky keeps dribbling the ball, but stays still.
"I'm on- ....actually, I don't know. I'm on both sides!" Scarlet said cheerily.


Guardian Zeke's voice: hey, how would you like to keep an eye on those two, eh, Zeke? I promise, you will be greatly rewarded.


OOC: Lol- yay- finally, another yaoi part of the yaoi RP! lol lol!

IC: "good one!" Jura answered back, and gracefully landed in a desserted clearing. "lets stop here while you eat."
Ky shrugs.

Zeke shrugs. "Sure, whatever. I might as well now that I'm here."

Flamey climbs down and sits on the ground, taking a bite out of one of the pears and holding up the other for Jura.

"Ju'a can 'ave some thoo!" he said through a mouth full of pear.
"i'm not going to start defeneding you at half-court, unless you charge, of course." walks to the foul line. "well?"
Veemon's Followers
Ky grins and dribbles the ball between Cronos' legs, jumping up and doing a frontflip above his head to collect the ball on the other side.

"Heh heh... see ya!" He charges to the hoop, dribbling the ball.
"No thank you. I'm not hungry." Jura cheerfully said. he used his tail to lash out at a tree, sending a pile of pears to crash down on the the ground in front of them. "-that's if you're still hungry!" he said- and a pear fell on his head.


"You go Boys!! Charge!" Scarlet cheered.
"very well. take care now." Said Zeke's voice.
OOC:sorry...shcool.....bad grades etc.

Seit:.....ok..well im gonna go now....

*seit Walks out and into the forest* know that im gonna do what i want...

Seit:....i knew you where gonna say that....
Zeke follows them nonchalantly, wondering what "exciting" things would be in store for him while with them.

Flamey falls back onto the grass, swirly-eyed after being hit in the head with the pear.
the black diamond around seit's neck glowed.

Zeke the Guardian's voice: Okay- I'm sending cerberus to watch you three!

(Cerberus apears beside them)

Cerberus: Hi! I see cain's making this hard for you two, not to worry, I'm here to make sure that everything goes smoothly- starting now- (eyes glow) I am your official guardian!


"woah- got you too, huh?" Jura chuckled as he rubbed the part of his head that the pear fell on- but accidentally stepped on one, lost his balance- and landed softly on Flamey's crotch, face-first.