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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Scarlet nods. "okay Ky!" and she dribbled around a bit. "like this?"

OOC: read last few posts, seit! :D

"Like I said earlier, I am the guardian of the ethereal plane, and the underworld. I'm here to give you pointers- specially Cain." said Zeke.


"hm?" Jura looked at where his hand was- and blushed very hard. "s-sorry." he moved his hand up so it was on flamey's chest. "so... do you want to walk back? or would you want to fly?" he grinned.
OOC: i did, i was RPing that i didnt know who you was. Listen.

Cain:*flys back to Seit Arm*.....thanks for the flight...i could have done that myself.
suddenly the ball is no longer in scarlet's hand

"you need to dribble with your finger tips otherwise the ball gets taken away from you very easly." cronos called from the other side of the court.

he was sitting on the rim of the basket.

"and i had the funnist dream of you falling through a hoop, ky."
Veemon's Followers
"Yep, just like-- Oh, hey, Cronos!" Ky waves to Cronos. "Strange... that actually happened! Scarlet had to get me down cause I was stuck!"

Flamey grins. "I wanna fly with you!"
"oh- hey there mr. Fallen! nice of you to fly by! Ky was just showing me how to dribble- and..." Scarlet said- and the ball in Cronos' hand disappeared in a puff of smoke. scarlet pulled her hand out from behind her back, resting on her hand, was the real ball. "phantoms. go figure!" she grinned. " -I was expecting you! I mean- shees! I could feel your fallen aura miles away! such power!"


"okay Seit, Cain." Zeke nodded to them once each. "wait- where's that other Zeke guy that Moon told me about? oh never mind. first of all, you two are restricted from causing dammage to nature, innanimate objects, and other living thing, unless of course you've got a reason to do so..." Zeke the guardian began.


"I was counting on that!" Jura grinned playfully, this time, he got down on all fours. "hop on, and grab onto my horns! we're gonna' play a game of flying horsie!"
Flamey laughs a bit and does as Jura asked.
"secure? hold on tight now!" Jura bagan running on all fours, darting through some trees- rapidly climbing one- launching himself into the air and spreading his gigantic wings, soaring just above the clouds.

"how's the weather back there little friend?"
Cain:.....wheres the fun in...

Seit:Cain!....when we are not of this world so we need to abide by there rules....i'm sorry for Cains there anyway we could be of some help?

Cain:im not sorry!

"it's a good thing your on break. we'd be fighting now. and about my aura, i haven't learned anything about hiding it or the powers invovled 'cept the rules."

he jumped beside her.

"one on one? at least till the teams come in? we could play knockout with them later."
Veemon's Followers
Flamey hangs on tightly. "Very windy!"