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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Zeke stares at him and puts him down. "What?! Why did they tell me to carry you to the hospital then?!" He sighs exasperatedly and runs back to them.

"Hey, what's with the wild goose chase, hmm? He can heal himself!"

Flamey's eyes widen. "Dark... Digivolving?!" He may be young, but he definitely knows that anything with "Dark" in it is usually very bad. He lets go of his brother as if he had been burned, backing away. "And a-all of you are...."

Ky grins. "Okay." He runs up and steals the ball, running full court ((while dribbling it, of course) and sinking a lay-up. "That's two points! Now try to get the ball from me!"
"Bro- what's wrong? what do you mean?" Chaos asked concernedly.
Zed reurned back to Zeke. "Hey- why isnt he at the hospital? I know he can regenerate over time- but he's got to mee someone there. well- I don't think you need to carry him anymore, he seems to be able to walk. thank you- er- what is it?" Zed asked.
"O-Okay!" Scarlet said excitedly- and then she disapeared in a flash of red and green- the ball disapeared from Ky's hands- and Scarlet was suddenly hanging on the hoop- "so is that 2 points or just 1? ...uh... Ky? I can't get down..." Scarlet said, turning red.
Ky stares at her. "Two.... This is gonna be harder than I thought!" He leaps up and catches her, landing on his feet.

"Y-you... turned evil!" Flamey backs away some more, hardly believing it.

"My name's Zeke."
Seit:i.....dont remember.....they call me the Reaper and this little bug is Cain

Siet:so who do i gotta meet in hospital?
"Me? no... I CAN'T be evil..." Chaos said, he was shocked to hear his own brother say that. "H-how could I be evil? Sh-Shadow? Do you know what he's talking about?" he asked.

"Tis nothing important. We aren't exactly what you call... evil. There is no good and evil, there is only perspective. so we're evil ONLY in the eyes of those who do not know." Shadow explained. "-and don't worry, the Dark Digivolution was done a long time ago, in our next phase- I'm going to show you how to Slide-Chaos-Digivolve." he finished.


"AHHH!! My hair! it's caught in the hoop! I knew I should've worn it in a ponytail- ouch! ahh!!" Scarlet squirmed. "Can you- do a girl a favor- and untangle it please-"


"ah, Zeke. you know- you have the same name as the Guardian Seit's going to meet. I'll see you two around." Zed disapeared.

at the Guardian Sanctum:
"Zeke, Cerberus, Cerbera we have a code teal. CODE TEAL." Moonshadow said.

"Oh- it's you." Zeke said. he was petting Cerberus, a gigantic dog with shoulderpads in the shape of two wolf heads. Cerbera was sleeping peacefully beside him. "It's one mission after another around here. I'll go there right away. Cerberus! Cerbera! Let's go!" they melded with the light and dissapeared.

OOC: I found my Guardian Reference/Guide! (some stuff happens in the future)

Guardians and their Guardian Animals/Partners
(Note: Some Guardians have more than one (1) Guardian animal/partner)

High-Ranking Guardians:

The Guardians of Nature and the Elements: Zieghart (
"Mommy told us darkness is evil... and you just killed that man!" Flamey points at Shadow, terrified.

"No kidding? Zeke's not really a common name.

Ky jumps onto the fence and climbs to the top, then leaps onto the top of the basketball hoop. He leans over it and untangles her hair, but then falls headfirst into the hoop!
Seit:....why are we going to the hospital?

Cain:Yeah why are we-

Seit:are we in a cave or i hearing an echo..

Cain:*whispering*here whatever you like baby.

Seit:what was that?


Seit:...whats with you and muttering?
"Brother... Shadow taught me that darkness is just misunderstood, do you remember the legend of Lowemon?" Chaos said sadly.

"I only deffended myself. He was the one who attacked me, don't you see? Humans-are-evil. not us, not darkness, the Humans." Shadow said solemnly.
"oh my gosh- KY!!!" Scarlet opened her wings and carried Ky down. "heh- that hurt-" Scarlet ruffled her hair.
Seit:*a bit Shocked*...o..ok

*Seit Starts to walk,then stop and walks back to Zed*

Seit:uuh...whe--...where is said hospital?
Flamey starts to cry. "I DON'T BELIEVE A KILLER!" He runs away as fast as he can.

Zeke points down the road. "About a mile or so that way."

Ky scratches his head. "Uh, thanks, Scarlet!"