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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"so- I didnt name him Chaos by coincidence? amazing." Shadow said. "just wait here a few minutes, he'll be around soon. in the meantime, would you like something to drink?" He asked.
Flamey shakes his head. "Thanks!"
"Okay, but you look worn. why don't you go sit on that boulder by the sand. your brother was just sitting there an hour ago." Shadow pointed.

at that exact moment, Vermilion darted out of the woods, someone was struggling in his arms. he dropped him, and pinned him down with his foot.

"-and where have you been?" shadow asked.

"Monster Hunters are everywhere, there were several witnesses who have claimed to have seen a werewolf, a dragon, and a red and blue lizard thing." he rolled his eyes and kicked the man squirming on the ground. "this guy was sniping at Jura from a tree."

"I see." Shadow said. "Vermilion, where are your manners? let him up."

"Pft." Vermilion lifted his foot.

The man scrambled up- but suddenly took a hidden hunting knife out and lunged at shadow- but shadow grabbed him by the wrist, making him drop the knife- and then choke-slamming him into a tree.

"So, you're a hunter, huh?" Shadow released the man from his grip, the man slid down, coughing.

"I'll wipe your kind out- I swear it...." the man growled.

"Really?" Shadow raised an eyebrow.

"Flamey- cover your eyes." Jura grabbed Flamey, and shielded him with one of his wings.

there was a slashing sound and then- *SPLARCK!*

"Try doing it in pieces." Flamey heard shadow say.

"-what a mess..." Flamey heard Vermilion say.

"Flamey- don't look, not yet at least." Jura warned, his arm gently holding Flamey against him, his wing shielding Flamey from sight.

"Foolish humans. they think they know us? well I aplaud their ignorance. Clean up." Shadow said.

"yeah-yeah. Inferno Wave!" Vermilion yelled, Flamey saw some orange light, and felt some heat- then he could smell burning wood. Jura lifted his wing, and let flamey trees were reduced to ashes, and the man was nowhere to be seen. Shadow, on the other hand, was wiping his hand on a towel with red stains. and vermilion was dusting his hands off.

"so... would you want to do anything while waiting for your brother? If I know Chaos, he'll be back in roughly forty three minutes." Jura said, breaking the silence.
((dont be shocked if this may be familer......the idea may not,but the char, is total original.....when i get a scaner ill try to put some artwork up of him))
Name:Seit"The Reaper"Hitouri


Race:Humanly Undead



hair:Shortish Long/Black


Cloths and stuff: (this is where the crow stuff sets in......nuff Said)

Bio:Killed Wrongfully for a crime he didnt comitt,Seit Hitorui or better Known as "The Reaper",he develops Amnisea,everything about his past he has forgotten,he wanders with his link to the world,Cain The Demon.
Cain was cast out of hell for making him self the connection from Seit To the living.why?......Cain secretly loves him.

Powers:none,but when Seit is unable to fight,Cain takes over his body....and cain is a very Evil Fighter.

Weapons:Cain,Guns,anything he can find :/

Likes:to find his Memory,kindness.

Dislikes:.......not kindness?Evil.

Personallity:Seit is a very timid Person when it comes to anything.he mostly stays quiet.but if heres something that reminds him of his past he will speak up.
Cain on the other had is a Loud Mouth.

OOC: i dont know the setting so ill just start in some random City,Also Seit is not Invincable,he can die.Cain illegally disabobyed his master and created the link,so as punishment he did not grant the immortaltality that you see in the i go*nervous*.

IC:*the setting is night in the ruins of a city forgotten by the hand of god,a man at a murder man convicted......a man put to death...these are the things that seit sees before he wakes up in a forest*

Seit:*shaken*who.......who was that?

Cain:*wakes up*5 more minutes*falls asleep*

*seit gets up and wanders deeper into the forest,cain just rest on his shoulder*
Flamey is trembling badly, forgetting for a while the fact that he was about to see his brother again.

"W-where did he go?!"

OOC: Sorry, Seit, I can't reply to that cause I don't know what you're doing yet, lol.
OOC:searching for my memory?...i guess...this alittle better?

IC:*seit heres a crash in the forest*
Seit:the hells that?

Cain:i dont know....nether do i care.

Seit:im gonna go check it out....*seit runs to where he heard the sound*

Cain:*to himself*your glad i love you.

Seit:what was that?


*seit sees a huges monster crushing a village*

Cain:aah..its the hand of god crush a town for not beliving in him.

Seit:.....not funny Cain....besides, i am the hand of god.

Cain....if anything,your far from The hand of god

*seit rolls his eyes and digs in his trench coat.he pulls out to pistals and climbs trees to get to the monsters face.meanwhile the monster(which is really huge)is just having a ball destroying the village...tht is (of course) stopped when he turns into the tree Seit is on.Seit climbs the monsters face,aims the gun at his eye and--*

Seit:say good-night

*shoots.the bullet blinds the monster*

Cain:......what the fuck does that do?

Seit:....good point..

Cain: please let me take over your'll be over more you'll save bullets..

Seit:No...your might,like, tear out his heart, or some grusome stuff like that.....we need help..

*The Monster Swats Seit Right into the Ground...Out Cold*

OOC:ouch >.<
OOC: What I meant is that what you're doing is completely different from us, lol. We'll have to find a way to merge it in a bit.
OOC:hmm....i'll have to do that thing with the thinking...if you want to me to delete that last post say the word,man....ill do it.
OOC: lol nah, it's good. We can use that.
OOC: YAP! I've already thought of a way! just wait for the right time, and continue with your business!


"Where did who go?" Shadow asked coldly. he threw the reddish cloth into a pail, and examined his work on the table.

just then- someone jumped out of the trees, landing beside Shadow.

"-I'm back Shadow!" Chaos said, huging Shadow.

"That's nice Chaos, but there's someone here to meet you." shadow gestured at Flamey.

"wow! another flamedramon! where did you- wait... *sniff-sniff* I know that scent... could it be?..." Chaos aproached Flamey until they were face to face.

"BROTHER!!" Chaos knelt down threw his arms around Flamey. "I've missed you little bro! how have you been!?"