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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"c'mon, hop on my back, I'll fly you around." Jura grinned, he turned around and knelt on the ground.
Flamey smiles and climbs onto him.

"Are you sure we'll find my bwother this way?"
"of course. Now hold on tight, and enjoy the ride!" Jura said, he suddenly spread his magnifficent wings, and rose into the air- 5 feet- 15 feet- 35 feet...
Flamey holds on tightly, his tail thumping lightly on Vajura's back, all the while looking for his "bwother."
"How's it hanging?" Jura smiled, as he flew over and around the woulds. "would you like go faster? or do you want me to do any tricks?"
Flamey grins.

"That's okay. I on'y wanna find my bwother now...."
Jura grinned. "okay, hold on tightly now- I suggest you put your arms around my neck." he said- and he flew back to the direction of shadows camp, 650 miles per hour.
Flamey hangs on as tightly as he can, trying his best not to fall off.
Jura suddenly stopped over camp, sending flamey flying- bud Jura caught him easily, and they landed. "Here we are, I think I know where you're brother is." he pointed at Shadow, who was busy writing something on a piece of paper.

Shadow looked up. "oh, you're back. where's vermilion? -hey, who's that with you? a new friend?" Shadow asked, he looked at Flamey intently.

"this is Flamey, and I think he's related to... C." Jura answered.

"C? oh... I see the resemblance." Shadow grinned. "Chaos will be pleased, he was just talking about a brother a few hours ago, he isnt here right now. would your little friend like something to drink?" shadow asked.
Flamey blinks in surprise. "C? Chaos? ... Do you mean my bwother?! He's here, isn' he?! Yes!"