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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Ky looks uncertainly at Moonshadow.

"Wait a minute. I didn't even want these powers! Yesterday I was dreaming about entering the X-Games one day, and now just a day later here I am trying not to die from being beaten to a pulp by a vampiress who completely tore up my work uniform! It was cool yesterday, but now I don't think I want to keep these powers! And on top of that... Scarlet was...."

Ky sighs, remembering work.


"J-just... like that.... And I... I-I don't wanna keep fighting like this... i-if this is going... t-to happen again...."


The next day, little Flamedramon is outside training under the supervision of an older Veemon.

"FIRE ROCKET!" Imaginary enemies and real trees doused with water to prevent the spread of fire go crashing to the ground. Flamedramon's movements are swift and fairly powerful for his age, but he lacks accuracy.

"Slow down, Flamey! I'm your instructor, remember!"

"NO! FLAME FIST! FIRE ROCKET!" More objects explode, disintegrate, or crash to the ground. Flamedramon leaps over to a tree, aiming to kick it in the middle, but his foot crashes through it with breakneck speed a few feet below the target.

Flamedramon's parents join his instructor.

"That's a little too much work for him, Vee!" cried the father.

"I know! But I can't get him to stop! He woke me up at four this morning and begged me to help him train. But so far, I've just been watching! He hasn't stopped moving for three hours!"

"Flamey!" Called his mother. "We've got to go! You have to take a break, sweetie!"

"NO!" Flamedramon kept attacking trees and other objects. His moves are powerful and quick, yet still lack the accuracy he needs. He is panting heavily, tired beyond all reason, but the desire to find his brother drives him on.

Veemon's father comes up with a simple solution. "Veemon, Digivolve to... EXVEEMON!"

Exveemon reaches out and catches his son, holding him still firmly.

Flamedramon struggles. "Daddy, lemme go! Gotta twain!"

Exveemon shakes his great head. "Sorry, Flamey, this is way too much for you. You're still a tyke, you know. Come on, let's get you a drink."

Flamedramon screams and struggles, desperate to get back to his training, desperate to become stronger--desperate to find his brother. But his father and mother bring him forcefully back to his home.

Flamey rests for the rest of the day. There's no way he'd be able to train in such conditions. He would practice smaller things like controlling his power for the rest of the day, and then at night, he would leave on his quest. He spends the rest of the morning and afternoon in his brother's room, sitting up on the bed where he used to be every morning, staring out the window that he had seen his brother staring through so many times, sometimes playing around with the toys his brother used to play with. He gives his brother's pillow a hug.

"I'll find you, bwother...."

As he stares out the window, he chooses various strong targets and practiced attacking them. He uses various attacks and power levels. By nightfall, he had mastered judging the amount of power he would need, and thanks to his earlier training, had mastered most other offensive attacks. However, his skills contain a serious error: his accuracy was terrible.

Tears fill his eyes as he creeps into his parents' room. This would be the last time he saw them until he found his brother. He kisses them on the cheek.

"Goodbye, Mommy and Daddy," he whispers. "I'll bring Bwother home.... I pwomise...."

With that, he runs out of the house as fast as he can before he loses his nerve. His hand holds a fireball to light the way.

"I pwomise... to Mommy and Daddy, to Bwother, to Gomamon, and to myself.... I'll search both worlds until I find my bwother...."

Anyone watching would see a a fireball illuminating the face of a young Flamedramon as it leaps from place to place with great agility.
Moonshadow 'looked' at Ky thoughtfully. "look Ky, I understand how you feel- and I'm going to remind you that Scarlet fought alongside you to the end, she's one of the reasons you're alive right now- she always wanted freedom- and now she's got it. you're free to do whatever you want as well, you know? you're not required to go into intensive training- and I'm not going to force you to, of course- the X-games wont stand a chance against you, but that's the fun part, isnt it?" moonshadow said.

"Scarlet loved you, Ky. But she was never able to show you how much she really cared... dark forces are at work, and you're not exactly prepared to take them on- either for deffence... or vengeance." Moonshadow put his hand on Ky's shoulder. "-so.. at least train with me once a week, a month if need be. I just dont want you to end up like... wait- stand back!" Moonshadow pushed everyone away, and just then- a wide beam of light hit the spot they were a second ago.

and in the beam of light- Descended three figures: Nathaniel, Bethial and a fully armored archseraph- who seemed to be new. Nathaniel had his arms crossed, you couldnt see his face with his winged helm on- but you could tell he was feeling very smug.

Moonshadow stood up. and aproached Nathaniel. "okay, what do you want from me?"

Nathaniel faked being surprised. "me? want something from you!? of course not! I just wanted to show you my new partner! ha- she finished the archseraph test in about eight minutes and thirty-two seconds, I finished mine in three days! she's a keeper!" Nathaniel laughed.

"so?" Moonshadow said boredly.

"oh- nothing, I just wanted to rub it in your muzzle- that's all!" Nathaniel said cheerfully.

Bethial smacked him on the head- and he lost his balance. "ouch! what in the name of Judas did you do that for!?"

"PRIDE is one of the seven deadly sins." Bethial growled.

"well- a thousand pardons, m'lady!" Nathaniel said sarcastically- he was smacked again. "OW!"

"thou shall not have false gods before me! ten commandments Nathaniel!!!" Bethial said, getting annoyed.

"sheesh- give an archseraph a break!" Nathaniel muttered.

"I've never seen you so happy. So you got a partner, who cares?" Moonshadow said in the same bored tone.

"man- have you seen what's under her armor? she's hot- er beautiful!" he waved at her enthusiastically.

Bethial smacked him again. "Lust, angel, LUST! I'm reporting you!" Bethial screamed, then Ascended back up to the source of the heavenly light.

"ACK- NO, WAIT!! I wasnt being lustful! gurgh- well- nice seeing ya- moony! C'mon Scarlet- let's boot!-"


"-okay -I've found you!" Chaos giggled. tagging Shadow, who was invisible.

"Heh, how did you find me?" Shadow said.

"I can see your bodyheat! and I can smell you!" Chaos said as if it were obvious.

"that's good, nice tactic. so we've played, I have to go work now, okay?" Shadow said.

"awww... but we just started!" Choas whined.

"yeah, started three hours ago. I hope you had fun, you can play more if you want- but I have to work on the plans now, okay? good boy." shadow patted Chaos on the head.

"*sigh*, okay. see you shadow! thanks for playing with me!" Choas waved shadow good bye, and Shadow waved back, then went back to camp... a small smile of peace was on his face.

meanwhile, Chaos decided to go explore the woods for a bit. like roaming around.
Ky stares at her.

"Whoa... Scarlet.... She's an...."

He blinks at Nathaniel. "Are you sure he's an angel? He seems kind of... uh... what's the word....

"But anyway... I guess I could stand a week of training...."


Flamey decides that it would be best to search the hardest places first. He creeps up behind a DigiDestined as he accesses the DigiPort, then follows close behind.

He ends up in a hotel room. Quickly, he leaps out the window and into another window just below before he is seen. Luckily, nobody is in this room.

"Smells like a bunch of people were here!" he says, sniffing the air. "I wonder if...."

Sniffing around some more, he distinguishes five different scents. One of them seems very familiar....

Flamey's tail begins twitching back and forth in excitement. "Could it be? Alweady?! Yes... Yes! Yes, it's Bwother! He was here!"

He knows that he's on the right track, but unfortunately, Chaos' scent disappears after a while. He walks out into the hallway, sniffing the air to try and find more of it, when a loud scream scares him.

"AAAAAH!! What is that thing?!?!"

Suddenly, a crowd of people comes out of their rooms to see the commotion. Frightened, Flamey tries to escape, but more screams from every direction he goes sends him the other way! Trembling, with no way to go, he curls up on the ground, wishing he weren't there.

Hotel security comes up brandishing pistols and nets. This is where Flamey gets really scared. He doesn't like either guns or nets. He darts between the legs of the officers on all fours, leaving the hotel as fast as he could and heading for cover in the woods.

Shaking badly, he hopes that no more incidents like that occur.
"HOLY- SCARLET!? is that you!?" Blue yelled in surprise.

the armored archseraph giggled, and took off her winged helm... it was scarlet alright! except- instead of two bat wings on the sides of her head- there were white angelic ones.

"It's me alright, in the flesh. ...well- not literally." Scarlet giggled.

"come-on! Bethial's gonna' report me!" Nathaniel whined.

"-then go on ahead!" scarlet replied.

"but- I can't do that! you're my partner! a HIGH RANKING partner! you have your duties, remember?" Nathaniel said matter-of-factly.

"pfffft. I die to be free, only to be enslaved by the laws and rules of an archseraph. woopee, now that's irony." Scarlet said, rolling her eyes. her body started glowing.

"HEY- what the he- in heaven's name are you doing!?" Nathan exclaimed.

"I'm a high-ranking angel. So I'm giving myself a day off." scarlet said- and she once again looked like her old self. "wee, I'm mortal for a day!"

"gargh- that's not fair- you can't do that! you've got obligations!" Nathan complained.

"the boss says its okay, so why not?" scarlet sneered.

"I- you- sigh. fine. just get back as soon as the day is over, okay?" Nathan said, then he ascended back into the heavenly light. and it disapeared.

"see ya' partner!" scarlet waved back.

"-so, didja' miss me?" scarlet asked enthusiastically- and Blue launched himself at her- in his wolf form.

"I DID!!!" he said, licking her face.

"I missed you too- you can stop now!" scarlet said, as she pet blue's head.

"sorry." blue sat down like a good dog.

"okay- now I just want to make one thing clear-" scarlet said- and then she tackled Ky, hugging him.

"Oh thank God- I'm free! I get to play *sniff* basketball!" Scarlet said, crying tears of joy.

"hello- and who might you be?" said a voice behind Flamey's back.

"reminds me of that suck-up, Chaos. what was his name again? before Shadow named him Chaos?" said another voice.

"hm. I think it was Farmerman- or something like that. I'm going to go ask it what the hell it is." said the first voice.

something tapped Flamey's shoulder. "hey, what's your name, kid?"
Ky is surprised at first and just stares at her....

Then he begins to laugh. He doesn't know why, but there he is. He hugs her back.

"Alright! Basketball!"


Flamedramon whirls around, looking for the source of the voice.

"F-Flamedramon.... B-but.. you can c-call me Flamey...."
Vermilion nodded. "okay." he turned towards Jura.

"hey 'Gina, he say's his name's Flamedramon, my bad." Vermilion yelled, and Jura came running into the open where Flamey could see him.

"I am NOT a female's reproductive organ! stop calling me that!" Jura smacked Vermilion on the head. Jura looked very scary to flamey- mustve been the huge wings. and Vermilion looked like some kind of weregarurumon to him.

"ouch!- damn it 'Gina- if you keep that up, we'll never 'work together'!" Vermilion laughed at Jura's reaction. "so, what are you doing around these parts of the woods, eh? did you get lost or something?"

Moonshadow cleared his throat. "so that means you don't need to train, eh? full control of your powers already... that's talent."

"hee-hee, yup! and I'm going to spend my freedom hangin' out with Mikael! -if that's okay with him- that is. is it, Mikael?" Scarlet asked Ky.
Ky grins.

"Sure-- and you can call me Ky if you want."


Flamey backs away slowly, tears coming from his eyes.

"N-no... I'm... l-looking for... my bwother...."
Scarlet's eyes sparkled.
"really? oh- thank you Ky!" Scarlet squealed. "so where to first?"


"your bwother, eh?" Vermilion said. "Jura! c'mere!" Vermilion called Jura, and whispered something in his ear. "do you think... this kid's Chaos'... you know..."

"pretty much- they look the same, well- they bear a certain resemblance, at least." Jura replied.

Vermilion aproached Flamey. "So. who's this brother of yours, huh?" he asked roughly- and was smacked by Jura again.

"Damn it Vermin- you're scaring the kid!" Jura scolded.

"what's your point!?" Vermilion snapped.

"I just happen to hate seeing people cry." Jura said menacingly.

"well I don't like people crying too, you know? that's why I kill 'em before they get the chance!" Vermilion argued back.
Ky gestures to his torn clothes. "Once I shower and change, I guess to the basketball court!"


Flamey whimpers and backs away at Vermilion's cold words, trembling and trying hard not to cry.

"B-bwother.... I wish y-you was here...."

At this, a tear comes from his eye. He wipes it hurriedly.

"No! No, n-no, please don't hurt me, I didn't mean to cry!"
"you know you would think after all this time he learn NOT to piss her off. all i had to do was look at her and know not to get on her bad side."

he was walking down the buliding.

"oh, hi Scarlet. i fugured you'd be back, diein for your friends,"

draws even with scarlet and looks at ky.

and lovers, like you did. hey do i get punished for the rules i broke?"
Veemon's Followers