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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"HAHAHA!!! I've got it- I'll kill all of you- AND the fallen!" Vagabond suddenly laughed. he then raised a hand towards them, and a teraforce-like orb began charging, it was black- and was five times bigger than a terra-destroyer..
"VERMILION DECIMATOR!!!" Vagabond yelled-

but suddenly- the orb imploded- and an X appeared where it once charged, and Vagabond was pushed several yards away, skid-marks were on the ground. "w-what!?" Vagabond exclaimed, he sat up- and discovered he was badly injured.

and in front of him was-

Moonshadow. he looked as though he had slashed something with his claws in an X.
Ky cheers him on.

"Yeah! Go Moonshadow! Whoo!"
Moonshadow grinned back at Ky. "sorry I'm late, I was on a guardian mission- and got your call."

"sonofabitch!!" Vagabond gingerl got up and tried to heal himself, but-

"Seal Magic!" Moonshadow shot an invisible force at Vagabond- disabling any skills that require magic and energy.

"God... damn it... oh, that's fair. I've got a succubus/Vampiress, three mutts- a fallen- And now a GUARDIAN!? oh THAT'S fair!" Vagabond yelled angrily and sarcastically.
"Whew... Finally, this is going to be over already!"
"n-not necessarily..." Vagabond panted, his leg was shaking from an injury- but he disapeared again- and reapeared behind scarlet- his sword was already going down on her, but suddenly- CRASH.

Moonshadow was suddenly there- it all happened so fast- Vagabond's sword lay in pieces on the ground.

"Moonshadow!" Vagabond roared- and went to do his Macabre frenzy- but he was disabled- and moonshadow went with blinding speed- each hit connected, vagabond couldnt see where he was going to hit next. MS ended his frenz with an uppercut, sending Vagabond up- then moonshadow was above him- he grabbed him and started spinning rapidly in mid-air, going down like a metoer- making another crater- but it wasnt over- moonshadow knocked him to the left- right- up-right-dwn-left-up-left-then down- then he ended the chain with crushing him into the ground.

moonshadow reapeared beside ky, his arms were crossed.
"watch, he's going to get up." moonshadow said- and sure enough-Vagabond had dissapeared- but so did moonshadow- where ever vagabond went- it was lik moonshadow already knew he was going there- moonshadow smirked- and then there were suddenly fifteen of him-
(combo alert- it was like bouncing a ball and making it ricochet all over!)
moonshadow was suddently beside ky again. this time he was examining Ky's injuries.
Ky is completely amazed.

"Wow..." He grins. "You just did to him what he did to me while Blue was out cold! You rock, Moonshadow!"
" that was nothing. guardians are supposed to be able to do that- that's like... our job. you, on the other hand- did surprisingly well against him on your own. hold still." Moonshadow said, as he healed ky. then rejuvinated him, and did the same with the others.

Vagabond just lay there, panting hard. blood was dripping from both side of his mouth and his nose.
Ky grins at him. "Good thing you showed up, for sure...."
unfortunately for vagabond, hes in the middle of my death spell. 5 swords from the clones suddenly perced him as cronos slashed him in half across the heart. where then a light from the spell discentagrated vagabond's body

"pay-back, betryal, it matters not. it is over."

occ: i'm back from b-ball
Veemon's Followers
OOC: wb!

IC: "Cronos, I'm so glad you're back!"