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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"Cronos..." Nathan said softly. "I hope you're happy, Moonshadow."

"dont take it the wrong way, he wouldve been a great archangel. but for now, the path of the fallen will serve him better. I hope you understand." Moonshadow replied, then turned to Cronos. "Cronos Blackwing... the fallen archangel. Has a nice ring to it, doesnt it? the pain will go away sooner or later. dont worry. Good bye, nathan."

and moonshadow and cronos disapeared in a veil of shadows.


"you actually touched me... oh well." Vagabond disapeared to Blue's surprise. and before he knew what had happened, Blue was out-cold again.
Vagabond was suddenly in front of Ky, he kicked him, and pinned him down. a sword ready to strike.

"Ky, hehehe... time to say goodbye." Vagabond whispered, as he striked- swinging the blade down on Ky...

OCC: I smell a dramatic entrance.
occ: and that, my good friends, is my cue.

suddenly a cry rent the air


an arrow with almost translusent black flames sweriling around it slammed into Vagabond, throwing him several feet across the ground leaving him scorched, brused, and scraped all over his body.

" I told you i didn't take well to betrayal. Now you shall pay for your crimes, G
Veemon's Followers
Ky grabs his bladeboard and leaps to his feet, heart pounding.

"... Is that... Cronos?!"
Vagabond got up and coughed, he was smoking slightly. "d-damn it- why dont my wounds heal!?" Vagabond growled. "y- Cronos- what happened to- oh no... Fallen..." Vagabond healed himself immediately, and went on a stance.

"it doesnt matter what the fuck you are, I can take you. and what do you mean by betrayal!? I never betrayed you! how DARE you come back!" He yelled. "you caught me off guard that time, I swear- you wont be able to do it again." he said. "moonshadow has something to do with this, I'm sure of it!"

(a few miles away.)

the black figure stops in mid-air, spreading it's huge demon wings wide open.
"such dark energy... could that be... a Fallen? I must make haste." it said to itself, then flew on.

(back with Shadow and Chaos.)
Shadow: (playing chess) Check.
Choas: na-uh. (makes a move)
Shadow: (makes a move) double-check.
Chaos: hmmm.... (makes move) there we go.
Shadow: (makes a move.) quintople check.
Chaos: ah! uhm.... uh- yeah, (makes move) Check.
Shadow: heh, sure flame?
Chaos: yup.
Shadow: (smiles, then moves a pawn) Checkmate.
Chaos: huh!? no way!!
Shadow: you're improving, it took me sixteen moves to beat you this time. twice more than when you first began...
Chaos: hrrrrmmm.... let's have another game.
Shadow: you're on.
Dissappers from his place in the air. Reappering behind Vagabond tapping him on the sholder and punching him when he turned around.

" Betrayal on the grounds of Truce. All right maybe not you yourself but your counterpart Vegarel. Its time for you to die. "

He stabbed his new sword into the ground, red lines encircling Vagabond in the thirteenth of the Thirteen Deadly Spells;

" Crucifix of Blades. "

Vagabond was lifted in the middle of the intercate design as Cronos was duplicated and spaced out evenly around the design.

" You may have your last words. "
Veemon's Followers
Ky vaguely wonders where Reyli is.

"If Cronos is back.... Then where's Moonshadow?"


OOC: Hope you don't mind Chaos having a counterpart!

In a completely different world, a baby Veemon cries, wondering where his older (but still very young) brother is.

The little one's mother rubs his foot gently, trying to comfort him.

"There there, little Vee, we'll find your brother soon!"

Unfortunately, the mention of his brother makes him cry harder. He wails, "I MISS MY BWOTHER!!"

His father comes in. "Oh, little Vee, cheer up! I promise you, someday we'll find him for you. Here, I brought you this!"

The little Veemon cheers up a little as he sees his father pass his mother a big bowl of ice cream. He begins to hiccup as his mother wipes his eyes.

"That's more like it," she says. "Come on now, eat up." She feeds him with a small spoon.

About an hour later, Veemon's friend, a Gomamon of the same age, comes to play with him. Noticing Veemon's sad face, he asks, "What's wong?"

"M-my bwother... n-not back... yet...."

"Your bwother? Why miss him? Your mommy and daddy find him soon! He pwobaby still inna Digiworld!"

"I-I know... But I j-just... miss him.... I wanna find bwother! Me! Me, me, me! I want... t-to see him.... first...."

"You weally wuv your bwother, huh?"

The small Veemon nods sadly, promising that once he finishes learning how to fight, he would go off and find his brother all by himself. He misses him terribly. Veemon wishes that his brother were there so that he could give him a big hug. But sadly, that would have to wait.
OCC: no prob!


Vagabond grins evily.
"Betrayal is such a strong word, you do know- that it was SCARLET that you helped, and not vegarel. That wasnt betrayal- that was PAY BACK." Vagabond suddenly dissapeared in a puff of smoke, and Cronos suddenly felt him breathing in his ear.
"Cronos... you are as ignorant as you were when I killed your parents." Vagabond whispered- then grabbed one of the fallen wings- flipped Cronos on the ground and thumped him- HARD. (it made a 4 foot deep hole on the ground) "That-(gestures to the spot where the other vagabond disappeared) was a clone." Vagabond jumped, and reapeared a few meters away from Ky, Cronos, Blue and Scarlet.

Scarlet looked at Cronos, then hastilywent to a stance. "Vagabond- you do know fallen are almost invincible, I'm pretty sure he felt nothing more than a weak punch!" she taunted.

OCC: chaos isnt really evil, he just admires shadow too much- could he somehow be related to the baby veemon?
OOC: lol thought yoyu would have known-- Chaos is the brother!

IC: Ky takes the opportunity to try his InfernoSlash CrossStrike attack while Vagabond is looking the other way.

"Hey, any of you seen Reyli?"
OCC: lol, that's cool! what happens?

The X suddenly dissapeared- only three feet from Vagabond.
-and reapeared- headed for Blue's unconcious form!
OOC: I guess we'll see!

IC: Ky pulls Blue out of the way.

"I've had it with this guy...."