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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
A sinister smile apeared on vegarel's mouth... she was suddenly behind Ky- she bit him on the neck- absorbed some of his persona- then she did the same to Blue, it all happened so fast, Blue was left clutching the bite-marks on his neck, as he healed them.

"Heh, Persona absorbtion... your powers... plus mine... equals..." Vegarel said slowly- and then she changed: she no longer looked like a woman, nor a monster... she was a wolf- a MALE wolf. He had Golden eyes, and spiked gray fur, he wasnt wearing a shirt, but he was wearing stylishly ripped leather pants.
"Call me Vagabond." He introduced himself, chuckling menacingly. "Finally... a new form... that Incubus,Sucubus,Vampiress crossbreed was getting monotonous." he murmured
Ky suddenly feels weaker-- he shakes his head clear and stares at Vagabond.

"That's like me and Blue put together.... With Vegarel's power mixed into it of course.... Blue, this might give us an edge...."
"h-huh? how? ohhhh... I feel whoozy..." Blue replied, shaking his head.


Many miles away, Shadow and Darkflamedramon are sitting on a huge rock. Shadow was staring at the setting sun.
"their late." Shadow said eventually.
"Mm." Darkflame nodded.


Even Further, a dark figure soared above the clouds.
"Vegarel... where the hell are you? We're late for our meeting with Shadow..." the figure muttered to itself as it got nearer and nearer to Vagabond's aura.
"Well, we-- um... you... know everything you can do, right? And I know some of what I know how to do. And we both know a bit of what Vegarel can do. So maybe we can work something out with what we know...."
"Hey- you're right! we can predict what her- HIS next move is! then we- OWF!!!" Blue grunted- he was suddenly smashed against a house, leaving a mark in the shape of his body. where Blue once stood- was Vagabond. His fist raised as though he had punched something.

"What was that?" Vagabond smirked.
Suddenly, Ky was behind him, with a Vicelike grip around Vagabond's neck, strangling him, making sure he doesn't let go no matter what. At the same time, he administers the most severe kick he ever had to Vagabond's back, knocking the wind out of him.
"What is taking them so long? It isnt like Vajura and Vegarel to be late. What do you think happened, Chaos?" Shadow asked Darkflamedramon.

Chaos just shrugged and absentmindedly drew on the sand with one of his claws.
Vagabond fell to his knees, panting. but he was suddenly behind Ky, his muzzle pressed against Ky's ear.
Vagabond grabbed Ky from behind, and slammed him on the ground in a suplex, cracking the ground- then he smashed ky from the sky like a meteor- making another crater- then he backflipped- tossing Ky's limp body into the air- he was about to swing his leg down on Ky- but he dissapeared- just in time as Blue's katanas apeared where he was a split-second ago, he grabbed blue from above- and tossed him at Ky who was still in mid-air, but Blue grabbed Ky's arm and twisted around, launching him at Vagabond at high speed. "Use your bladeboard!"
"But it's down there.... BLADEBOARD! COME TO ME!"

Suddenly, the bladeboard rises at a high speed and sets itself under Ky's feet. He launches it forward with all of his strength by kicking his two legs out. The bladeboard flies like a bullet at Vagabond, its menacing blades glinting in the sunlight.
occ: you guys make me feel horrible :cry: just because i have b-ball practice :( i'm sorry i left you all alone Gunter! :( i'm usually on at 4:30pm(4:30 am for you) to about 3:00 am (ya i'm a freaking night owl. thats 3:00 pm for you gunter) thats without school. with school it's like 6:00pm to 2:30 am (the oppisate for you, gunter!) yay to the 100 th page!!!! :D

ic: well i lerned that kindness can get you farther than violence can. funny i'm usually not that violent. you wouldn't have had anything to do with that now would you, Nathenal? (actualy i was having a string of bad days and i broke down in my room and i had mood swings that would rival a pregnate woman)
Veemon's Followers
OOC: ... Whoa....