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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"Well, right now we have to take care of this." He nods at Vegarel.
"what the fuck-" Said Blue- as he turned towards vegarel, who was suddenly radiating with a deep crimson aura.
"I dont like the look of that... we'd better start trying not to get killed instead of trying killing her!" Blue said
"Oh shit." Scarlet said suddenly.
"we cant kill her."
"Why not?"
"I was the reason she could be killed in the first place- without me... Shes immortal!!!"
"That cant be right!"
"oh, Believe me... I should know her- I've been stuck with her for as long as I could remember!"
what lesson would that be?

hears music and sudders

this can't be good

hears scarlet's words through the mind link

sweet holy hell!

mind link to moonshadow: is that the real you in front of me?

occ: i do so love surprises. wait till you see my self-made move Twisted its a surprise so no hints.
Veemon's Followers
"You mean after all that I... and the... and Blue... and... Oh, SNAP, that's the most messed up thing I've ever seen in my life! After all that just happened she's suddenly 'immortal?!'"
"it depends, really.I'm going to teach you about tactics..."
Shadow-Moon replied. "okay then, Heres a challenge- try to see the color of my eyes, in any way you could think off." Shadow-Moon instructed, indicating at his Blindfold.
"no, That's my Astral shadow. dont worry, I dont think you'll have to fight him, just learn something from him." moonshadow replied via mind-link.

"technically- she was immortal to begin with..." Scarlet explained.
"but I'm not- and we share the same body- so if if I died- she'd die too... is this really the price of freedom?" scarlet said sadly.

"Immortal or not- there's always a way. Nothing is permanent, anything that has a beggining- has an end." Blue said.

"Did you know you were a "Matrix" copycat?" Scarlet said.

"Non-of your bitchness." Blue replied.

OCC: I hope we dont have the same move- I have a bunch thought out too!
Ky nods. "Exactly right, Blue.... I just haven't found it yet, and neither have you guys.... Instead, her end kicked my end...."

Suddenly, Reyli is standling next to Ky.

"Well I'm gonna help you guys."

Ky blinks in surprise. "You? Don't you usually join the side that'll help me get beaten up? Plus, you don't even have any powers to help you!"

Reyli nods. "But let's get one thing straight, street-pup.... This is a one-time thing. I'm only doing this to get back at whatever this is." He nods at Vegarel.

Ky shakes his head. "Whatever you say, Rey-Rey."

what is the lesson?

come on, come on! i don't have all day!
Veemon's Followers
Shadow Moon slaps himself in the forehead in frustration, and points at his blindfold again. "I SAID try to see the color of my EYES."

OCC: read recent posts again. :D


"I remember you..." Scarlet said. "You're that wolf on the tree!"

"Rey-Rey, huh? yeah- I remember you- I TRIED TO KILL YOU- but Moonshadow knocked me out and- never mind. I've got a bone to pick with you after this." Blue said.
Reyli shakes his head. "You said you tried to kill me. Be satisfied."

Ky looks up. "Um... maybe we should be paying more attention to Vegarel...."
occ: lol sorry

ic: they are black and gray, arn't they?
Veemon's Followers