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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
substi-Ky blocks the kick with an arm, and back-flips, kicking Cronos in the chin and sending him flying, and landing a meter away. "yes, we are virtually equal... Cron-Cron. but I'm unlocking my true power, bit-by-bit." substi-Ky said matter-of-factly, waiting for Cronos to get up.


with super agility, she looks like she was apearing and disapearing every time Ky makes a move, so it only passes by, she reapears exactly as she was when she was walking, flashing on and of now and then, as ky attacked. she continued her slow walk, slowly making Ky back up.
gets up

Cron-Cron? were did that come from?

gets out energy ball from earlyer and throughs it at Ky's feet, explodeing when it hit the ground, sending Ky flying.

how was that, Mikey?
Veemon's Followers
"This is ridiculous! Look, are you gonna attack me or do the slow-motion wedding march all day?" He sighs and lays on the ground.

OOC: Yeah-- Cron-Cron is kinda... odd. Mikey's cool though!
occ: :D
Veemon's Followers
occ: future Ky accidentally calls Cronos that in one of their sessions, this substitute Ky is like... a future version of the real Ky, he has a lot of moves that Ky still has to learn! I'm trying to make it as funny as I can!

ic: Substi-Ky disapears in a puff of smoke, it was a clone- nay- a distraction! the real substi-ky flip kicks Cronos from behind, making him lend on his chest.
"impresive- but not that impressive. sorry about the Cron-Cron- Cronos slipped my toungue." substi-Ky replied, sitting down in an indian seat, watching cronos get up. he stuck the end of his bladeboard on the celestial ground, and leaned on it.
Vegarel kept silent, slowly backing Ky up into a wall.
son of a

gets up and leaps over to Ky. he then frins a kick to his face and then hits ky with the flat of his flambridge, sending him flying.

Veemon's Followers
OOC: Okay, is your mind block still there? lol I'm completely bored with the whole slow motion thing.
OCC: actually, i have it all thought out. I'm just stalling til Cronos becomes a Fallen, and saves Ky.

Substi-Ky went flying- but suddenly he rebounded back from an invisible platform he summoned, with great speed, he punched Cronos in the gut, the impact was so intense, a small shockwave spread around. "hey Angelo- youre not mad at me, are you? 'cuz, you remember what Moonshadow said to Dark that day? anger messes with the concentration, yup, that's what he said." snickered Substi-Ky.
Vegarel's eyes glinted and she disappeared, the last thing Ky saw from her, was her malicious smile, she kicked him from the back, he flew forwards, were Veg suddenly reappeared in front of him, and flip-kicked him skyward- then she punched him down- then to the left- then up-right-down-she reverses him right before he hits the ground, throwing him up into the sky again- she then tackled him from above, she was moving so fast, it was like there were several Vegarels, all teleporting all over the place, using Ky like a shuttle cock, she disappears during mid tackle- and punches him backwards, where he slammed against a wall, cracking it- she then rammed her elbow into his gut- cracking the wall even more, then with her palm, pushed her fist- making her elbow dig into Ky deeper- Shattering the wall into pieces, her elbow sprouted a spike- impaling Ky through his stomach, intentionally missing his vitals, so he could still live. she then dissapeared, and reappeared a meter away, her back was turned on him, and she was wiping the razor sharp spike on her elbow with a finger, and licking it. "you have ten minutes to heal, Mikey-poo, then I'm coming at you again..." Vegarel said softly, inside her, Scarlet was screaming.

OCC: just for your entertainment! ;9
gets his breath back

what are you talking about?

lunches a kick at ky's stomach, followed up with a punch-kick-punch combination.
Veemon's Followers
OOC: Oh, snap! Well, that's more like it at least! :P Hey, doesn't Nathaniel know that there's a semi-helpless wolf-guy getting beaten into dust by a vampiress and an exhausted and unconscious blue wolf-guy next to him? :shock: :P

IC: Ky groans in pain, covering the wound with a hand, panting heavily. Pain is completely enveloping him, and his referee uniform is ripped in dozens of places. Many of his bones are broken.

"Aah... uh... Why'd... she...."

He struggles, trying to force concentration through the pain. His bones and the deep wound all heal, but he is still beaten and bruised very badly. Still, he springs immediately to his feet, praying that help would arrive soon in some form.

This is... impossible. He allows himself to go limp, falling to his knees, concentrating with all his might on the one thing that could make him angry enough to use his newfound special ability: his painful past, and Blue's painful present. Immediately, his eyes start to glow again, silver points inside glowing blue circles. Staring at the ground, allowing the power to surge through him and grow, he creates a shield of light around himself that extends only an foot from his body--a shield more powerful than ever before. He figures that would protect him for a bit while he gathers his thoughts and thinks up a strategy.

I wish Blue was awake.... I'm left here to fight this... thing all by myself.... But I've got to make the best of it... let's see.... She's a vampiress.... Legend has it that vampires hate sunlight.... But it's sunny right now so that's not true.... Garlic was another thing, but who CAN stand that smell anyway...? I doubt using things in nature would help me much, after what she just did to me.... Maybe I can get her guard down somehow.... But wait, if I attack her she'll just heal herself... I've got to think of something that'll take care of everything in one move....

Oh, what am I doing...? There's no way I can dream up a strategy that'll help me do this by myself.... I think Scarlet wants to help me, but Vegarel's too strong.... Moonshadow's gone to who-knows-where.... Reyli would never help me and I don't know where he is anyway.... Cronos is... well.... And Blue's unconscious.... Maybe... maybe.... I've got no choice.... I'll just do what I can.... I have to, because if I don't... I'll die.... Vegarel will kill me.... Oh, why did I get involved in that battle in front of that restaurant...?

He picks up his bladeboard silently, staring at the awesome design, and pushing the blades back into their slots. After several minutes or so of getting himself together and brainstorming without result, he finally stands up, the shield still covering him, ears lowered, knowing that Vegarel would attack him again in less than a minute. "But I really am alone, except for Scarlet.... And you're just playing with me, like a toy that you can easily break.... But don't even think about doing that again, 'cause it isn't going to happen again...."

I hope....