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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Blue knocked the energy to the side- oblterating a nearby warehouse.
The energy hits the barrier and rolls harmlessly away.

Ky begins making hundereds of the energy balls, each more powerful, hurling them in rapid succession at Vegarel but feeling completely drained afterward.
oh so its just an illusion of you half undressed. all well. do you still want to go to that diner?
Veemon's Followers
all the energy balls were absorbed some 2 feet away from vegarel, she put her hand down, and laughed maniacally.

"Rejuvenate!" Blue commanded, giving Ky back his energy.
"Thanks.... Aw, man, now she has all my energy.... This is hopeless...."
see last post...again
Veemon's Followers
"Never say hopeless." Blue said... he raised his right hand towards his face.

AA: yup! *sweet giggle* lets go! (he's funny)
Ky sighs and lowers his ears.
at the diner
waitress: oh hi Cronos! whos your friend? and what will you be having today?
hi. i'll have the wistle stop with a black cheary soda
waitress: *writes down the order*
Veemon's Followers
as Blue's hand reached his face, he slowly pulled off the Blindfold... revealing his Cobalt Blue eyes... which looked like they were charged with electricity.

"Moonshadow told me to train with this thing on... a power limiter. I'm taking it off... just this once."
AA: *Giggle* I see they know you around here!