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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
OOC: You forgot Mullen and Khoi.

IC: "I'm never 'your boy'--Wha?" He glances down, not sure what to expect.
not to be rude or anything but we need to pick up the pace. moonshadow says that my loves are in trouble.

hidden danger
red wine
without love
someone who cares
a troubled soul
a lover
a lover
a teacher
Veemon's Followers
occ: oh yeah! sorry- uhm- were they laughing? damn! I knew i skept something!

Vegarel was suddenly under Ky, giving him a powerful uppercut- then she is suddenly above Ky, she kicks him down- then she's beside Ky- she kicks him towards Blue- who was caught off guard, and knocked down. they were lying down in a 69 possition.
"hahaha... thats so cute..." Vegarel snicckered.

"Moonshadow is talking to You!? he could be giving you answers!!! I- *sigh* lets just get this over with so you can go back to your- L-Loves.
this is the hard part:

1) pass through the maze of despairoses, if you get pricked, youre dead. if you pass, we go to #2.

2) how many bottles of wine, not blood, wine, can you drink and still stay somber? pass this, and we're off to #3.

3) energy is very complicated to control, you are to charge up an energy ball, and strive to keep it in normal levels for one minute. do this, and it's #4.

4) divinity and separation... this is where we chanel out the evil in you by pure will power. pass, and we move on to #5.

5) lust alone, is a great sin. lust without love- now thats even worse. prove that you can ressist lust, and learn to focus on love. do this, and we're of to #6.

6) a friend is someone who cares... we shall see how loyal you are and how much you care for yours. then we're of to #7.

7) blood is the life and happiness of a vampire. how long can you survive if you are derived of it? ressist your thirst for blood, and we're moving on to #8.

8) (Dante from Devil May Cry?) you will let out all your hatred, by fighting me in the form of dante. it's not really a test, more of a requirement.

9) let's see how well you can fly. go through some obstacles, and free as 50 angels. then to #10.

10) comfort Scarlet, show her your sympathy. (a substitute vegarel will be provided) then you will make peace with her, until she shows you emotions. then you can proceed to #11

11) how much do you *urgh* love him? you will do battle with Mikael. (a substitute will be provided) then you can proceed to #12

12) how much do you- love him? you will free Dark of his pain, and then you will do battle with him. (a substitue will be provided) then you can finally proceed to the last part, #13

13) he is great teacher, I know, he thought me everything. you have challenge him and be victiorious. and you must also learn a lesson from him. (a shadow clone will be provided as a substitute.)"
no he hasent been giveing me awnsers. vampire: although you wish he was

1 lets go vampire: sure
2 quite a few vampire: wine? you've got to be kidding me.
3 i think i can do that vampire: no problem
4 ok.... vampire: like hell you will!
5 no problem vampire: you'll give in
6 i stay loyal to those who is a friend, i will not turn back thier trust vampire: untill you get what you want
7 *flienches (sp?)* hmmmm. vampire: you can't deprive me of blood!
8 (yep) alright then vampire: my pleasure
9 alright i can do that vampire: pffit. what do you think i am?
10 ya i tryed to do that before she killed me remember? vampire: no kidding. the bitch wasnt even schthed.
11 we shall see vampire: i'll kill him
12 pain? what pain? vampire: probaly the pain you put on him when you died
13 *nods* vampire: that old bat will be easly taken out.
you've always been an asshole you know that?
vam: i love pissing people off. its so fun!
untill i knock you out
vam: try it. oh wait. you can't muhhahahaha
Veemon's Followers
Ky gets up slowly, pain searing through him. He now knows that he and Blue are going to have to give it his all if they even want to stand a chance against Vegarel, and that he and Blue would have to have perfect teamwork.

He begins by vanishing and appearing above her, landing heavily on her head and jumping off. He swings with his skateboard, hitting her hard in the back with it. He points at Blue, a signal for him to act quickly.
yay! we're all here!
edit: nvm
Veemon's Followers
OOC: lol he might be back.

Here I am again-- unable to do the update because my computer got a virus from someone who sent it to me in a lemon.
occ: lol some1 really hates you. perhaps its the guy who told us to go to hell.
Veemon's Followers
(blue nods, and vanishes. kicking the stunned vegarel in the stomach, then twisting around and giving her a power round house on the head, the he backflips in mid-air and kicks her in the chis- the as quick as a flash- drew his katanas and slashed her in an X. her body flew towards Ky. blue gestured him to carry on the combo.)
"we musn't let her move- or we're done for!"

Nathaniel stands up. "I'll take that as a yes"

*a maze of deadly despairoses ascended.*
starts moveing carefully through the maze
Veemon's Followers