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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Ky waves a hand, sending the force back at her with little effort.

occ: i have to do some chores back in ten

ic: nothings wrong with that.
he could feel bloodlust comming on
Veemon's Followers
occ:i'm back
Veemon's Followers
OOC: wb!

IC: Ky watches, ready to help.
occ: thats your cue veg
Veemon's Followers
"kiss me Cronie, kiss me..." she whispered, kissing Cronos on the lips for a few seconds, then she impaled him again, ripping his vampire heart out, and crushing it into dust in her fist. she then withrew her lips from his.

occ: how else can we turn him into a fallen archangel!? I read it in a book somwhere, just go along with it.
pulled vagarel close
remember what i said, i don't take kindly to betrayl i'll see you in hell
the vampire in him made him kiss her cheek and he died
Veemon's Followers
Ky growls, ready to give a full-force attack.
at the exact moment that Cronos dies, Blue and Moonshadow apears.

B: finally! I- CRONOS!!! what hap-

M: Vegarel- no- you didnt-


Vegarel: *catches Ky right before the attack* now it's your turn, my love... *about to impale him too, but she sudenly stopped* argh! what's this!?

Scarlet's voice: YOU-WILL-NOT-HURT-MIKAEL!!!

Veg: ohhh... getting feisty, are we?

Sv: tries to make the hand go back

Vegarel: pushes it back

Sv: urgh...

Veg: strong eh? urrrghhh....

Moonshadow: he Grabs Cronos body, and disapears.

Blue: RARGH!! WHOEVER YOU ARE- YOU-WILL-PAAAAYYY!!!! (he punches her real hard, and she goes flying)

veg: ARGH! Blue-boy... that actually hurt...
"And now it's my turn, loser...." He jumps on his skateboard and allows the back to tap on the ground. The two very sharp blades come out and Ky jumps with it, slashing Vegarel badly.