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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
the rubble of my lab turned wastlan or the essence of oblivion puddle?
Veemon's Followers
OOC: He didn't, he heard what she was saying through the door.

IC: Ky scratches his head. "Umm... o-kay...."
do you know where Vegarel is?
Veemon's Followers
occ: heehee- sorry, I seem to have misread it! *yawn* searching for blue all night does that to you...

ic: Scarlet sadly rollerblades down the street, cursing herself for being so pathetic. she passes a lab, the door was open, she double-taked as she saw Ky's tail and Cronos. seh turned around, and hid behind a tree. watching them curiously.
"Somewhere with Scarlet... You see, Scarlet came to the game and there was this player that was on my case... and then I think Vegarel showed up controlling Scarlet and made her suck the soul out of him but then she gave it back and I guess disappeared."
occ: psst my lab is destroyed

ic: would that be scarlet
points at her
Veemon's Followers
occ: she sees what's "left" of your lab then.

ic: she comes out of her hiding place, too ashamed to look at them, she asks "uhm... what happened here?"
an explosion. anyway i have a cure.

Occ you need to get a gpu on blue
Veemon's Followers
what cure?
(somewhere else)

M: that's it. youve done it. you have reached your full potential.

B: I- I did!? so it's over!? THANK GOD!!! let's get the hell out of here! I'm sick of this place- WOAH! *trips* -and I'm still not used to this- this blindfold!

M: amusing. *warps them both back to the town*