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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"..." Ky begins to laugh.

"You kill him, and you'll follow...."

Come ON, where are you, Moonshadow?!
occ: *huff-huff* I'm back! sorry for the hold-up!

ic: "hahaha... death is often misunderstood... yours is coming.... now."
[she is suddenly behind Ky, she bites him on the neck, and drinks a few mililiters of his blood, then she drops him, and wipes her lips.]

"maybe later. yummy."
Ky didn't flinch or blink. He growls fiercely.

"Don't... EVER... touch... me... again...."
she turns around, and walks away.

"you both taste so good... what am I to do now? oh, thats right."

she turns around.

"Kill you... It's been fun, boys, Shadow Eraser!!!"

suddenly- Moonshadow apears in front of Ky and Cronos.

"Shadow Force!!!"

the two energies clash, and are both neutralized.

Vegarel: moony, what an unpleasant surprise.
"Good... Thanks a lot, Moonshadow...."
Moonshadow shakes his head. "Vegarel, youre a coward. these two havent done anything to you- they havent even had proper training- and you do this?"

Vegarel laughs. "Whatever Moony, I guess the party's over. *sigh* see you around, handsome." she winks at Ky, and before moonshadow could reply, she disapears in mist.
Moonshadow heals Ky and Cronos, and then teleports them back to the hotel.

"are you two alright? those were pretty deep cuts..."
"Wow were did you all come from... and whos he *points at moon*
"I'm sorry I couldnt get there faster, she jammed my magic sensors... I'm just glad youre both okay."
ooc: my wounds were healed remember
well she appeard in human form a talked Ky into going out with her. she suduced him and i interviend
Veemon's Followers