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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
cuts at Vegarel's arms
let go of him!
Veemon's Followers
Vegarel blows them a kiss, a jet of frost nearly freezes them to death.

"too cold? my poor, poor lovies..."
she disapears, and suddenly grabs Ky's tail, using him as a mace, she hit Cronos, sending them flying into some crates.
Ky flips forward with her hanging onto his tail, sending her flying into the side of the alley.

"Stupid slut...."
she suddenly apears beside them.

"why do reject my love? be mine...." she disapears in mist, thyen reapears five feet away, sniffing a red rose.
Cronos thrusts at Vegarel, again and again. ( ya a kingdom hearts move)
Veemon's Followers
"Why would we do something like that?" Ky crosses his arms, his focus increasing to its fullest.
occ: RAMEN NOODLES!!!! and dose the rave hit or miss?
Veemon's Followers
"uh-uh-uh-uh... yes! yes! more! more!"
[her blood splatters everywhere, but she seems unnafected, she grabs his throat again.

"my turn, luv."
[she slashes him with organic blades that sprouted from her arms, then she throws him at a wall, cracking it.
she licks the blade.
"mmmm.... even better than your dad..."
occ: sorry! bad connection! can you two hold off for a few mins? I have to shower! lol

ic: because I love you... your blood at least.
gets up and the fallen angle wings sprout from his back. his eyes turn color as well. his wounds only pink spots.
i'll get you
Veemon's Followers