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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
OOC: Beats me....

IC: Ky waits there, focusing on concentrating on his powers, sending a mental note to Moonshadow.

Second alleyway on Sunmark Street. Thanks for the help....
occ: some one needs to play the vampiress, Vegarel
Veemon's Followers
OOC: Yep.
Vegarel impales Cronos's foot with an organic spike.
"so, figured it out eh? HAHAHAHH!!! Moonshadow is a pain in the neck!"
[transforms to her real form]
"ahhhhh... thats better, Cronos, give us a kiss..."
[she grabs Cronos around the neck and kisses him on the lips, then she withraws, and tosses him asside]
"Delicious!"-she said smacking her lips.
Before she does, Ky lifts a single hand fom his side to above his head-- immediately, Cronos and Vegarel are pushed apart.

"Deal with me first."
but that bitch killed my parents!
Veemon's Followers
vegarel catches the arrow effortlessly, and smiles. she cuts herself with it, and licks it.
"youve got skill boys! I love a challenge..."
"yeah, this bitch did." whispered Vegarel
"and they tasted soooo good...."
"Just you wait..." Tries that trick he used in the hotel with Cronos, this time with a bit more control and accuracy.
gets his lance
i'll show you!
lunges at her
Veemon's Followers