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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"Moony must've conjured it..." she thought. "if he has been talking to Moony, I'd better be careful..."

"so where are we going?" she asks cheerfully.
"I don't know. I thought you wanted to go somewhere."
"oh yeah!" she says. "I was distracted- my Succubi and Incubi powers need more concentration..." she thought.
"how about the skatepark? I wanna watch you rip! see you later Cronnie!" she says cheerfully, putting her arms around Ky's arm again.
He gives Cronos another meaningful look, hoping he can understand him somehow. I'll be back, Cronos, he thinks.

"So. Where are you from?"
[her eyes flashed for a split second, she was surrounded by an invisible seducing aura, waiting for it to affect Ky.]

"er.. uhm... " she said, she thought for a while, and then decided.
"I dont remember! heeheehee! silly me!" she chuckled.
Ky suddenly feels dazed, he struggles to keep his head clear.

Wait.... he thinks, I've got mind... powers.... I let Cronos know about my past that way.... maybe I can reverse it.... Ugh, what's happening to me?
Ky suddenly feels dazed, he struggles to keep his head clear.

Wait.... he thinks, I've got mind... powers.... I let Cronos know about my past that way.... maybe I can reverse it.... Ugh, what's happening to me?
"so where is the skatepark? c'mon Mikkie! heehee!" she laughs, then she trips and falls towards Ky. "Eeeek!!!"
Ky suddenly feels dazed, he struggles to keep his head clear.

Wait.... he thinks, I've got mind... powers.... I let Cronos know about my past that way.... maybe I can reverse it.... Ugh, what's happening to me?
"Mikie? -ow! are you okay?" she asks.
"anytime now...."