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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
flips with the hands and lands in front of Ky. Cronos then leaned forward and gave Ky a kiss
you've got to try harder than that
Veemon's Followers
Ky sighs. "What, full-force?"
trips Ky and pinns him to the floor with his knee
come on, you can't do anything about this? I know your better.
Veemon's Followers
*leans on darkblue*" heh about a day ago, where did you and the other two disapear to anyways" *smiles and begins to doze off on your shoulder*
Ky grins. "Yep. I guess you do."

He grabs Cronos' foot and lifts it off a bit, then he puts his other hand on the ground, using it to balance, and pulls himself quickly out of the pin.
kicks out with said foot and hits Ky in the solarplaxus, the air rushing from his lungs.
Veemon's Followers
Ky falls down, coughing, the wind knocked out of him.
whats a matter, vampire got your tongue?
gets up and walks over to Ky.
Veemon's Followers
Ky pants, a grin coming over his face.

"Not quite." He rolls backward a bit, and then jumps up onto Cronos' head, pulling him quickly onto the floor.
he struggled under Ky's weight, tring to get Ky off
Veemon's Followers