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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
[Moonshadow comunicates to Blue via mind-link]
"How's it going? if you want out, just tell me."
[replies via mind-link]
"woah! ah! yipes! Mast- I mean- Moonshadow! dodging these things are hard enough- ack!- but I'm gonna' have to wear a BLINDFOLD while dodging later!? I hope that isnt too soon- I dont thing my other senses are ready yet-"
[replies via mind-link]
"Right you are, Blue. you arent ready for the blindfold yet. take it easy, dont panic."
"The next training method is so much harder, you will have to fight and annialate exactly 150 powerful monsters, with one arm behind your back, using only your hand, fist, claws, arm, elbow, head, tail, legs, Knees and feet."
"You up for it?"
[via mind-link]
"good. I knew you were tough."
"oh, and thats EXACTLY 150 powerful monsters. no more. no less. good luck."
[cuts mind-link]
I still can't do 5pm. I wouldn't be able to get on the PC.
[somewhere in another dimension, Dark Blue dodges multiple lasers, ice-shards, thenderwaves, lightningbolts and fireballs travelling at 500 miles per minute, he tries to ask Gunter Moonshadow for help, but no one answers.]
Gunter? Gunter!? AHHH!!! Gunter? Damnit! he cut the mind-link!
[he dodges and evades again, this goes on for three hours]
...anytime now.
[he notices that its getting easier and easier to evade, and his speed and reflexes have improved greatly.]
wow... master was right....
[suddenly, everything stops trying to hit him. silence.]
what? is it over already? but i was just starting to like it!
[huge monsters apear, some look similar to the invincible monster he created a long time ago that still haunts him, luckily, Gunter Moonshadow got rid of his fear of that.]
.....God Kill Me Now.
umm, k. do you want me to do my old meditation or do you have something in mind? (sits on the floor)
Veemon's Followers
ooc:never mind bout the friday thing. turns out i'm busy too.
Veemon's Followers
ooc: wait 5 pm :shock: well ill try but ...