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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
occ: :cry: :cry: :cry: Gunter! :cry: :cry: :cry: I'm so sorry for downloading to many movies- it got- out of hand! wait in the cellar, i'm unlocking the door- Friends!!! :cry: :D :cry: :D :cry: :D :cry:
Moonshadow... please, I want to be as strong as you, train me again- PLEASE. i beg you! [kneels down in front of Gunter Moonshadow]
seriously? [tilts his head towards, indicating that he was looking at blue's eyes, even though he was wearing a blindfold]
okay. as you wish.
[turns his head towards Ky and Cronos]
excuse us you two, we wont be gone long. [smiles]
[Moonshadow then pulls Dark Blue up, rests his hand on Dark Blue's shoulder, and they both disapear in an eerie black energy]
Eatern sStandard Time? That's about six hours behind, putting it at five AM in my timezone. I think not, sorry.

Mullen was pushed by Khoi.

"Oh, very well, then. The bed is mine."

Mullen got under the quilt, and sighed a little, enjoying the cool sheets and comfy blanket.
ooc: i really dont know whats going on now...
OCC: go on as you have make something up. accually it would be around five pm if it was back.

IC:ok what do we do till then?
Veemon's Followers
Ky shrugs, his eyes going back to normal.

"I don't know. I think I need to get a new skateboard though, and maybe some--ugh...."

He suddenly looks very sick. He falls to his knees, clutching his head and panting heavily.

OOC: I'm doing this to work in the part where I go out of town the day after tomorrow.
[gunter reappears in dark energy, but blue wasn
"Th... Thanks...."

Ky still looks sick, and walks shakily over to the bed... but collapses halfway there, out cold.
[in a spurt of speed, Moonshadow catches him before he hits the floor, and props him on the bed]
[he reapears leaning on the wall again, silent and apparantly sleeping]