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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"hang on. i'll be back!" :: jumps out of the window ::
Veemon's Followers
[tries to explain]
this isnt magic- its a side effect! I dont know how to fix it- all i know is if I dont wake up soon, I'll die. what the hell did gunter do to wake me up!? what!?
[200 miles away, Gunter's ears perked up]
[he put his hat on, and disapeared in a flash of shadows]
Ky figures out a way he could help--it would hard, but it would be more effective than a bucket of water. Maybe showing Blue that he wasn't the only one who had gone through something like that would help.

"Cronos... can you join our memories somehow?"

He turns and realizes that Cronos had left.

"Aww, man... Blue, do you think you can?"
:: comes through a tree in Gunter's encampment, black angle's wings spread out and eyes glowing storm blue :: "pack your shit, your comeing with me."

OOC: let gunther on for a moment, blue.
Veemon's Followers
[Gunter jumps in through the window in light speed]
Blue... Ive found you. [walks over to blue and rubs his ears] Put him down! [yells at Cronos] I sensed your unwillingness to die, you didnt want to die... because Shadow is still alive...
ooc: fuck it got screwed up again.
Veemon's Followers
[talks in his sleep]
Moonshadow!? Moonshadow- is that you!? Gunter Moonshadow- I-

Ky's mind began to stray to his terrible past, and to Blue's past and future.

Anger begins to flow through his veins....
:: flys through the window :: " he wasent in his goddamn camp"
Veemon's Followers