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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"it was Ky's first time and hes spent. mind finishing the job?" :: walks over to blue::

OOC: nonsence, you came in just in time!
Veemon's Followers
-cronos you horny bastard!!! you grope my- uhm- then you you do THIS to Ky!?
oy.... My head hurts.... I'm just going to ignore you two... and....yawn.... and... [drops to the floor, sleeping] the floor is pretty soft...[he moaned]
occ: okay, this is your chance to do stuff to blue! when he's sleeping! go for it!!!
*sigh* ::walks over to window:: " more me and right hand time":: jumps out window::
Veemon's Followers
[groans in his sleep]
:::chuckle::: that tickles, Fenris! woah- that's different..... ummmmmm...... yeah- uhhhhhhhhh..... I know it's wrong- but it feels great! [his member comes out of it's sheath as he dreams of his Session with his ex]
OOC: ::::salutes:::: SIR YES SIR!

IC: Ky looks uncertainly at Cronos... Then he remembered that Blue had enjoyed it before.

"Maybe... we can redeem our names with him this way."

He slowly goes down next to Blue, rubbing his sheath gently.
occ: now why would he do what blue did? strange... and you just left him on the floor... dreaming about his dead girlfriend....thats LOW.... and pathetic! :cry: :cry: :cry:
do something about it! lol lol lol lol lol
OOC: Um... lol I can't say I know what you're trying to say....
[blue moans in ecstacy...]
[blue then wakes up, and sees what Ky is doing to him] .......wanna yiff?