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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Ky starts thinking, a little angry at this Shadow guy. This Shadow thing seems to be ruining Dark Blue's life....
shadow... i vow on the flames of hell... as the right hand of Satan, and the Left Hand of God Combines and gives me the powers of Heaven and Hell.....
*puts a lighted candle on the west side*
Veemon's Followers
[moans cheerfully]
wow... these swords are great- oh, theyre called katanas... okay! imbued with the forces of darkness and light? sounds good to me?
[moans cheerfully again]
mr. faust, are you sure i can perfect the final judgment this way? ugh- it's so hard...
[moans in anger]
mr. faust!!! what happened here? no......NO. not again... Shadow....
His anger... It's so... There's so much.... I can even feel it....

"Dark Blue...."
*gets Blue and sets him on the north point of the star*
Veemon's Followers
[moans like he lost a battle]
urg-cough! whats the matter shadow? you won! finish me! come on!!! i may not be strong enough to defeat you yet- but-
[suddenly changes, as though he was back at his childhood]
hahaha! thanks shadow! I'll always take care of it! we're bestfriends forever, right? we'll always be friends! we'll be friends forever!!
Ky keeps listening quietly.
[sounds older]
Red! Scarlet! who did this to you- Shadow! shadow! what happened? [sobs] brother and sister are- shadow- why are you smiling? no... no shadow- it cant be- i thought you were my friend- shadow- Noooooooooo!
" ... "

A low growl sounds from the back of Ky's throat.