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Is Daisuke Gay?
Quote:So, are we done with this now?

Yeah i think were just about doneTwisted

P.S:I think this is the final CD drama of the original Adventure universe. The creatos leave little to doubt, as Iori gets a girlfriend and Daisuke is finally and permanently rejected by Hikari.
And i just coulnd't resist this magnificent amv about Daisuke and Hikari...the romance that was never to beCool
In my personal opinion Taiki(the google boy of season 6)is basicly a mixup of Daisuke and Taichi. I could well understand the need for them to make the lead guy like that. Takato in Digimon Tamers was a really nice and manly guy, but the way he was drawn they basicly made him look like a calcasoid. If you compare to forexample Kenta and Li(Henry in America) it's pretty obvious. Since he was basicly a calcasoid but had a Japanese name and Japanese parents, this implied that the directors of Tamers felt you have to be "white" in order to be the main hero in there show. Also Shibumi was drawn almost right out of those old portraits of JesusHuh While the show was FUN as hell, this felt kind of weird, especially after seeimg so handsome Daisuke with obivous Japanese charectericsAngelHeart

In Frontier i liked the charecter design a lot more. In this season they have obviosly tried to make both some comprimises and combos. Basicly fuse Taichi wild charecter with Daisukes sexy looksAngel I must say, they really overdid themselves there:) Perhaps i dont entirely like the "exloded" hair, but overall this is too good to be true:D The thing i really missed in Digimon Adventure 02 was the lack of ADVENTURE! The kids basicly fought the Digimon emperor for 15-minutes, then back to home for candy! And seriosly speaking, you think other people in the shcool would have noticed what was going on, or that they were even allowed to stay at the computerlab for THAT LATE!

The series lacked ADVENTURE and most of the first 21-episodes was about the childrens peronal lives and how they were doing at shcool, while the original Digimon Adventure was a really powerfull ADVENTURE, especially the first 13 episodes!

This season could really bring out some good stuff! Perhaps Taiki at the pool washing himself, or like Taichi caught half naked when Devimon attacks? Man:) Why didnt they show Daisuke in those short of scenes in 02? The only good perving i got was maybe 10-seconds in the Digimon movie when he is on the beach. I mean those pics are GOOD! They are really, really GOOD, but they should have had more of that on the actual SHOW! Lets hope this time they make a difference! Taiki could show us all those good scenes we "lost" with 02
It's good you got my message and have continued the perving. ...You can't write/draw can you? Because I'd almost expect you to write/draw some MPreg of Tai/Davis with Taiki as the offspring. The names even almost sound alike.
Im a really bad animator, and i dont like to start writing anyhthing untill i get to watch the show, wich could take a full year but im sure i will DROOL for each episode!

Man Taiki is really going to OWN! I mean, as having a sexual monopolyAngel And i like the mail partner hes got with him too. They say he does Kendo. Cant wait to see him in that skirt:D So yeah, it's looking pretty promising. Guess that girl is supposed to be Taikis "girlfriend" Looks as ugly as HELL:@!
That's not fair, she might look good in motion. And, It's not a skirt. I think their pants.
If Daisuke would ever take a physical manifestation, this is what i think he would look like
I say Daisuke isn't gay. That is all. PERIOD, just because he's all trying to be humble jumbo doesn't make him any less or more gay. PLUS the final cd drama a female digimon is in love with Daisuke. And Daisuke likes her, though because his digimon partner is Veemon he can't replace a partner to someone you love.
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I always hate it when people say things like they are weak, or they are an anti-hero, or they are sensitive so they must be gay. There are plenty of straight men like that, and believe it or not, lots of very manly gay men. Stereotyping sucks.

Now, i am gay, and i do write slash of him, because i think there were feelings for Ken, but I say that as "hopeful" and just thinking about how much he cared for ken. Having said that, when I take away my hope and just be honest with myself, it was obvious he liked Kari. But if your going to say you think hes gay, say things like how he felt about ken, not "oh, he failed as a hero" thats really shallow and close minded.
Daisukes feeling for Hikari may have been genuine, but i dont buy it. If they had, he surdenly would have tried harder, even if he knew they would fail.

Daisuke became overly jealous of Takeru, no doubt about that. Hower, that only proofs that he was jelous of the blond boy "stealing" hes girl. I think it was most of all about showing off. If he truly liked Hikari, he would have kept on going even for a little bit longer. Surdenly there would have been atleast something left for Berialvandemon to mess hes mind with.

No, he gave up on Hikari way too easily. Surdenly he kept on "flirting" with her, but that cant hardly be called real love. Just easy flirting.

For Daisuke hes "love" with Hikari was most of all about showing off. When he realized Hikari didn't love him he pretty much gave up on her.

But why did Toei create a charecter like Daisuke?

Simply put;Daisuke was something that "had to exist" between Takeru and Ken. Takeru&Hikari were always meant to be a pair, and Toei wasn't going to give up on that. Remember that the show was aired in Japan around a week after the original 1 endet, and by the SAME directetors. This was no "flip flop"

They had already decidet that Takeru&Hikari would be a pair in the new show, along with the rest of the old "chosen children" They didnt have there Digimon fuse not to make it too obvious(and to have more diversity in the evolutions)but ofcourse they were meant to be a pair!

Daisuke was meant to ne positioned between Takeru and the "Digimon emperor" Ken! He is literally a "in between" charecter. Remember it was originally Takeru who punched the Digimon emperor and not Daisuke, tough he did managed to would him during that football game. Daisukes Digimon Mangamon was also not able to beat the demonic Chimeramon without wormons help!

This season was meant to originally be about Digimon fusion, with the armour evolution simply being a filler. Daisuke could never have a real romance with Hikari. Impossible! Thus, hes "romance" with Hikari was mostly totally faiked.

I strongly believe, that the "romance" existed for him to hide hes own homosexuality. The CD dramas confirm this even more. How Iori gets a firlsfriend but Daisuke doesent. Very predictable!

It's not Toeis style to create a geniunly straight charecter and then have him be denied the girl of hes dreams just for the sake of it. By the way;the guy on my link looks just like Daisuke, and hes gay tooTwisted

Daisukes dark secret is simply, that hes gay. A lot of fans knew this already right by looking at him, but for me it took years to figure out. This explains hes overly "macho" image and attitude. Hes trying to come in terms with hes own homosexuality by reaching out for the girl that he can never basicly get. He fails, but still looks pretty good like in this poseAngel

[Image: Daisuke-1.jpg]

Takeru&Hikaris love by the way is officially confirmed in episode 13 Daisuke never arrives to rescue her. Hes not a "true friend" of Hikari.

So because Daisuke is gay that automaticly means he is ugly and weak?

Yes, if this was an American cartoon, but it is not! This is ANIME, so the same old laws we are used to dont apply here. Japanese culture is much more tolerant towards homosexuality, atleast before the era of christianity and aids.

The "rules" we are used to and acustomed to dont apply here. We have a surden way how gay or bisexual people are portraied in American culture and entertainment. This goes back to christianity and partly also before the time of christianity in good old pagan Europe, and probobly will ever change.

Daisuke was always meant to be Kens partner. The "man" of the relationship. Hes relationship with the "Digimon Emperor" was always meant to be a "hate-love" relationship!

That is why there Digimon fuse! It doesent mean that all Digimon fusion is related to homosexuality. No, not between the Hikari-Myako or Iori-Takeru partnership, but this is something special, as it is the first fusion!

Ok, meaybe im just desparate fangirl, but this is what i believe in. He was always meant to be with Ken. Always! This poster pretty much says it all!

[Image: 02FinalePoster.jpg]