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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
Aurora moaned sweetly as she felt him slide into her. Her passage was so soft and warm, and incredibly tight! Her virgin barrier was still there, showing she was untouched, and her efforts doubled with her pleasure. Suddenly she was kissing D deeply, his tongue dominating her mouth as he kissed her and fingered her. That was all it took for innocent Aurora, and she came hard, her wall tightening around his fingers as her angelic love juices spilled forth onto his hand. Her back arched beautifully, pressing her against him as she moaned into the kiss.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Just hearing Aurora cry out in pleasure was enough to make D cum. It was so much better than just masturbating. It was real. It was amazing. And he hadn't even fucked her yet. His own cum shot out of his dick and onto Aurora's waist, right above her pussy. A bit of it even flew far enough to land on her large tits. He took deep breathes, and whispered, "I love you Aurora....I love you."
Aurora panted softly as she hugged D with her wings, warping them both in soft feathers. She moaned gently for him and snuggled against him, tired and innocent. She kissed his cheek and smiled lightly as she closed her eyes. "I love you to D." She said softly.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D smiled and hugged Aurora, pushing his face between her wonderful breasts and and sighed with joy. "I'll always be there for you..." he whispered as he began to fall asleep. If he was allowed to, he would fall asleep with Aurora's breasts as his pillow.


Zeke smiled as he wrote in Daniel's book. "Kid got his game on. Bet he's going to love tapping that," he chuckled. "I wonder how Mr. G's going to take the news?" he chuckled as he sat in a tree, near the house of Daniel's.

He yawned and closed D's book and placed his pen in his pocket before standing up on the branch. He took a deep breath and sighed, before floating in the air, his wings beating up and down. He moved his hand, and a book appeared in his hand, he opened it, revealing that it was an album filled with pictures of Rena, from when she was born, to how she looked today.

"Can't wait until I get to have some fun. I never get to beat people up nowadays," the Fallen Angel chuckled as he flew up to the night sky.


When Aurora awoke, she found D was gone, nowhere to be seen, but she would soon hear footsteps. "Morning, Aurora," he greeted. When the angel saw him, he was almost completely naked, with a towel wrapping around his lower half, his hair wet from a recent shower.
Rena awoke softly, and looked around. She was lying on the couch, she had come out to sleep, she remembered now. Still, she hugged the letter to her chest, protectively, dearly, as though it were the most important thing in the world. She yawned softly and decided to sleep awhile longer, holding the only light she had left in her destroyed life, holding a lie given to her by a fallen angel, a lie she accepted entirely. A lie that may one day destroy her.


Aurora smiled and jumped on D, using her wings to life herself out of bed. She knocked him to the ground and kissed him, landing on top, hugging him and covering his face on kisses while giggling. She then just hugged him and nuzzled his chest cutely, cuddling into him. "Good morning D." She said softly, wrapping her wings around both of them again.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D's eyes shot open in surprised as he found himself being covered in kisses. It was a good thing Aurora didn't have lipstick, because if she did, he would be covered by her kisses. Actually, on second thought, that wouldn't be so bad.

He wrapped his arms around Aurora, placing them on her ass as he kissed back as best he could, "Good morning to you two," he said, his cock suddenly very hard. "How did you sleep, Aurora?"
Aurora snuggled into his chest, grinding against his cock a little as she lay on top of him. "I slept so well!" She said brightly, giving D another kiss before standing up. She blushed a little then, seeing D's hard cock, and wrapped her wings around herself a bit. "I really enjoyed what we did last night." She added with a small blush.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Yeah...Me two," Alex said, and tuned red with embarrassment. He tried to focus his mind off the thoughts as he stood up, kissing Aurora once more and walking over to his closet, and pulled out a large shirt. "Um...Here, shrink your wings and put this on, Aurora," he said, his face red. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't just have sex with her right now.

He wanted their first time to be special, to be something...memorable.
Aurora nodded and took the shirt into the bathroom, shrinking her wings as she did. She then closed the door to shower, and a pleasant sent wafted up from down stairs, where Rena was cooking breakfast cheerfully, the letter still tucked away in her pocket as she made pancakes.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
D smiled as Aurora walked off and he quickly threw a good shirt and some shorts on before walking off to the kitchen. "Morning," he greeted Rena, obviously in a good mood, much like she was. "You seem happy? A nice dream?" he asked as he sat down at the table. "And you made breakfast again? Thanks, Rena," he grinned, as he sniffed the air. "Smells great!"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.