Bondage queens.
09-13-2009, 04:48 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
"Wahhhh, no, not that," Katt cried, "I can't, take anymore, I want it in you, please mistress, I'll do anything." she begged, twisting her hips to try and get more pleasure.


"Wow, healthy appetite," Mindy smiled as she ordered a salad, "Not a fan of meat myself, feels too close to my species, at least you didn't order the lambchops." she laughed, "I need to take a quick bathroom run before dinner arrives. I'll be right back." Mindy said as she stood up, "You stay here and behave yourself." she called back.

A few minutes after Mindy had left a large lion entered the restaurant, dragging along a white tiger with a large bushy tail roughly, "Come now you stupid slut, I'm hungry." the lion growled, pulling the tiger off her feet as he moved quickly to a table, leaving her on the floor next to it, "Are you hungry little slut?" the lion smiled, "Too bad, food's a bit too rich for your kind. All a slut needs is a good fucking." he laughed. The tiger turned her gaze back towards the ground, looking on the verge of tears, her eyes glancing up at Silvia, a bit of jealousy in her eyes as she noticed her collar, wishing she could have a kinder owner too.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

09-14-2009, 02:25 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Silvia smiled as her mistress went to the bathroom and put her hands on her lap, waiting patiently for her return. As she waited she noticed the Lion and his slave enter and became a little more than distraught. She bit her lips as she noticed how hungry she looked and haw badly she was being treated, and even more so when the poor girl looked up at her.

Looking back at the bathroom Mindy had just entered, she looked around and spotted the original Waiter and nervously got up. she walked up to him, her hands folded in front of her and her head bowed. "Excuse me gracious sir." She said softly as she walked up to him. "Although my mistress is pleased that I was allowed to eat at a table, she is less than happy with that man over there. She doesnt want to deprive him of the same right she received, but she cant enjoy her food while that man curses to his slave and forces her to watch him eat.

"You see, the slave keeps looking over here for food, and that makes my mistress queasy, so much so that she had to leave to the bathroom and send me to tell you. All my mistress wants is for that slave to be moved to the slave quarters since she had clearly not behaved like a proper pet and is being punished by her master. But the tables is hardly a place for least that is what she said. Already she has lost her appetite for anything other than salad and doubts that she will return if she has to watch hungry slaves eye her food whenever she comes to eat."

Silvia kept her head bowed the whole time and spoke softly and evenly, but on the inside she was a storm of panic. What would happen if the man decided to clarify what she was saying by speaking to Mindy? What would happen if he told the Lion it was a complaint from her and he decides to confront her? What would happen if she was found out?! Surely Mindy would be less then pleased and she would be in big trouble. She didnt like that, she liked being a good girl, a good pet, she didnt like lying or being bad. But that poor girl could have just as easily have been her, and that Lion could have been her master. If she could get that girl into the slave quarters, then she could maybe find some excuse to get down there and feed her something, anything, just to ease her suffering a little.

[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]

09-14-2009, 03:28 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
"Oh, of course. We strive to provide comfort for all our guests." The waiter smiled, walking over towards the lion.

A loud roared sound came soon afterwards as the lion stood, "You got something to say slave?" he growled, walking over towards Silvia, "Say it to my face." he growled down at her.


The lion turned around, looking back at Mindy, "This is none of your business."

"That's my slave you're talking to, that makes it my business." Mindy said, stepping inbetween the lion and Silvia, "Care to fill me in on the details here?" she asked, looking back at Silvia. Once she had been caught up, "I see, looks like my pet didn't like the way you were treating yours."

"I'll treat her however I want, if she were your pet you'd do the same."

"Yeah, I would. So why don't I make you an offer?" Mindy smiled.


"Well it looks like you don't care for her much, and it seems mine has taken a liking to her. So what do you say? Interested in selling?"

The lion was a bit surprised, but grinned, "Alright fine, bored of this slut anyways. I'll send you a bill for her." he said, holding out the leash to Mindy before turning to leave.

Mindy turned back to look at Silvia, "Well, looks like we've got a new friend. I expect you to take care of her." she smiled, holding the leash out to Silvia, "Why don't you ask her name?"

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

09-14-2009, 03:38 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Silvia had nearly fainted when the Lion came over to her and had been scared to hell and back throughout the entire ordeal, particularly when Mindy made her tell her the truth. She blushed and tried as hard as she could not to hide behind Mindy as the conversation dragged on, but was surprised by how it all turned out.

"M-mistress?" She said softly as Mindy bought the other slave. She blushed hard and trembled a little when Mindy held the leash out toward her, not really sure what to do. "Mistress...Im so sorry mistress." She said with a few tears in her eyes, the guilt having built up inside her. "I lied about you...after you showed me only kindness...Im so sorry mistress." If Mindy still held the leash out she was take it tentatively and look at the girl they had just bought, getting her first really good look at her. "Wh-whats your name?" she asked her nervously, never having had any kind of power over anyone ever before.

[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]

09-14-2009, 06:38 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
"Mm, oh, your moans are turning me on so much, slut!" Vook purred loudly, nuzzling at Katt's snout, still grinding her warm pussy against the feline's clit, her cock still smearing pre all over Katt's belly. "You've been patient enough, mrr, I guess..." she smirked, suddenly raising her hips up, before pressing them down firmly, letting out a deep murr as Katt's 'cock' penetrated into her, the dragoness easily taking every inch inside of her warm pussy. "Ooohh, that's gooood..." she moaned, clenching her vaginal muscles tightly around Katt's swollen clit.
09-14-2009, 02:43 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
"oh how can I stay mad at that cute face." Mindy smiled, "But you still need to learn a lesson, as punishment my new pet is going to be your responsibility. I expect you to take very good care of her."

"M-my name, is Kitt, but, you may call me what you wish mistress." Kitt said, staring at the ground in submission.


"AAHHHHH OH GOD MISTRESS!" Katt roared in pleasure, if it was possibly she probably would've cum right then and there, but with the teasing and exhaustion she wasn't going to be able to for awhile, "So, good, feels so good." she moaned.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

09-14-2009, 02:50 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
(Hope Im not asking to much, but can I get a description for Kitt other than she is a tiger?)

Silvia blushed at her mistress's words and was shocked by her new responsibility. "But I...Im a..uh...Im a pet...How can I take care of another pet? I cant even take care of myself." She said a little sadly. In truth the problem was she didnt have the self esteem or nerve to have a slave, or authority of any kind. She looked at Kitt again, and if she was on the ground, helped her up. "You dont...dont need to be so submissive around me...Im a like you." She didnt like saying slave, it sounded so...horrible. Pet sounded nicer, even if others thought it was more degrading. At least your werent allowed to abuse pets. You could do anything to a slave.

[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]

09-14-2009, 03:01 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
OOC: A white tiger with a large bushy tail. Ever seen Zig Zag? Got the idea from her, only diffrence is Kitt has stripes like a normal tiger instead of the small stripes Zig has.


"Th-thank you mistress." Kitt blushed slightly, she'd been a slave her whole life, and had never known compassion from her owners.

"I'm sure you'll be fine, you two look so close already. And if it makes you feel better just think of her as a friend, with benefits if that's your thing." Mindy winked. She walked around Kitt examining her a bit, "That's odd, don't think I've seen a tiger like you before. What breed are you?" she asked curiously.

"I was bred to be more appealing for my future master, they made sure I had an attractive coat as well as my tail, as well as ample breasts." she said, almost as if hypnotically, and leaned back to show off her large chest, almost up to a size F.

"Oh wow, a pure-breed, you usually have to be on a waiting list for years to get one." Mindy couldn't help but hide her excitement, "Looks like I got a lucky pet." she said giving Silvia a tight hug.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

09-14-2009, 03:22 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Silvia nervously smiled as her Mistress hugged her, but couldnt imagine what the bill for her would be if she was that rare. "Thank you mistress." she said shyly, hoping she stayed lucky. She then looked at Kit and couldnt say that she didnt find her very attractive. Already she was imagining sleeping with her warm fur and ample breasts to keep her warm at night. She blushed as she noticed how her thoughts had changed since she had arrived and in such a short time. "Should we go home now Mistress? I think Kitt needs a little food since her old master wouldnt feed her, but if you want to go home then I will give her some of my, if you eat dinner." She remembered how her metabolism and that of other species some times differed. She once met this boy she kinda liked, who was a scaly, a croc to be exact, but he was leaning much more towards human. In any case, he only needed to eat once every few days. Of course, she only got a few lines of dialogue out before her care takers scared him away with a purse made of croc skin.

[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]

09-14-2009, 08:16 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
"Mmmnhh, oh yes, it does!" Vook purred loudly, squeezing and groping Katt's furry breasts as she began to ride the feline's 'cock', her tail swishing happily, her vaginal walls staying clamped tight around it. "Mmmnnhh....maybe I'll give you a real cock someday, my slut..." she softly moaned, the dragoness' herm cock spewing globs of precum onto Katt's body as she rode the feline's clit.