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Darkness to light (Silver/AWL)
"Im not that easy to frighten Ocax. IF you want her, come and get her." She said as she entered the bathroom, Amy tied to her back. Se shut the door and turned around. She then took out one more gun, a strange nozzle fun that fired a blue foam that, although it acted like foam, would not break from the rest of itself. She shot it into the toilet and flushed as she did, allowing the sutf to quickly spread throughout the whole piper network and empty into the sewer.

She pressed a button on the gun and sent an electric charge through the foam, which caused it to become harder tan steal and expand over a hundred times, breaking open a huge passage way into the sewer. She quickly jumped into it and was gone just as swat smashed open the bathroom door.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
OOC: Wow lol, way to give me 0 time to react to any of that ;p


"GET BACK HERE!" Ocax roared, tackling through the door just as the female had left into the sewer, jumping down into it and running after her, not particularly caring that he was still bare naked. "You can't escape, give up now!" he yelled, the female still at a good distance away as he chased her. Why sewers...grrr...can't fly in here!
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
(Sorry! lol, I just dont want Ocax to get shot, since she will totally shot him if she gets the chance, D: )

A few stray gun shots were all the answer Ocax got. If he caught up to her and had no way to defend himself, she would probably end up shooting him. Still, Sniver was not about to stop, particularly now that some of the swat cops were dropping lines down after Ocax.

(By the way, Im leaving tomorrow, on the 13, for a week so I wont be around.)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"You're just prolonging the inevitable! I'll hunt you down until the day I die!" Ocax shouted as he chased the female through the sewers, hearing the multiple footsteps of the swat team behind him.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
There came no answer from the fleeing villain, and the reason became apparent as soon as Ocax turned the corner. Sniver was running full speed through a hole that had opened in the side of the sewer, revealing a hidden passage that was quickly closing. Ocax could choose to run through what little space was left or wait for swat. If he waited, then the passage would close and it wold take a considerable amount of time for them to safely open the thickly walled passage again. But if he ran right through he would still be hot on hr heels, but swat was unlikely to follow or even notice the closed pathway.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Get back here!" The avian shouted, diving through the hole and tumbling once, but pushing off the ground powerfully, boosting him forward a bit and getting him back on his feet. "You can't fool me with tricks, Sniver!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Sniver cursed and kept running. She ran and ran, running through the old broken tunnel she was trying to escape through. But Ocax was always on her tail. She decided she had enough and turned around to shot him when suddenly the ground she was standing on caved in beneath her. Dropping half a story, Amy was cut loose by the fall and her latex bound form wiggled weakly on the ground. Sniver cursed even louder and tried to get up, but as she was a loose boulder fell onto her legs and a sicking crack filled the tunnel fallowed by her screams. The stone had fallen on her legs and broken one, possibly both and held her pinned beneath it. Her weapons and tech would do her no good here, and with only Ocax around it seemed she would be left in the ditch to die.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Amy!" The bird lunged forward, grabbing hold of Amy's ankle just as she fell, grunting as he slowly pulled her up, laying her on the ground, and glancing quickly over her body, seeing that she wasn't badly injured. "Good..." he thought, before turning and slipping down into the hole where Sniver was, using his powerful leg muscles to force the boulder off her legs, before heaving her up onto his back. "Are you hurt?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Sniver was to stunned to answer at first before nodding slowly. "A boulder just dropped on my legs, ya Im hurt." She said, her words covered in bitter sarcasm. "So, your a cop to the core huh? Gonna take me in? Or do you want to exact your own personal vengeance? I have to warn you, I wont scream." She glared at him and wished that her legs werent broken, then she might be able to pull off shooting him in the face point blank with one of her many guns and escape/ But as it was she would just be stuck down here with a corpse and a wiggly latex captive until she died of thirst or starvation.

Jail was not a good prospect either, but it was better than dying. And as far as Ocax taking his own personal vengeance went, she could take starvation over that, if he tried it. At the moment though she simply kept her many gund hidden and her hands empty. Her entire suit was a weapon and ever inch of her carried something that could either aid her or kill him.

Amy groaned within her latex cocoon and struggled weakly to escape. She didnt want this anymore, and it was getting very hot inside it. Even then her sweat drenched form was desperately testing the binding material, looking for anyone way to get out of it.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"If you were smart, you'd be nicer to me, Sniver." Ocax growled, jumping up onto the boulder then up to the sewer pipe again. "You're lucky that I'm even letting you survive. I could have just left you down there to die a slow, painful death." he added, setting the injured criminal down on the floor, opposite Amy.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan