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(Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion
May seemed to calm down at that and trembled a little less. She shook her head to his question. She was not crying as she was on e the table, her tears dry when any normal child would still be crying, though her whimpers of fear where in no short supply. "I cant sleep...Not...not allowed to anymore." She explained in her broken English. "The man with silver said I get whipped if I go to sleep now...because they dont want me to change. Changing is bad, you loose toes if you change." She looked down at her feet as she spoke and wiggled her nine remaining toes, her small toe on her left foot missing. The girl was suffering from extreme sleep deprivation, and mental strain as well as depression.

The small were made no attempt to seek comfort with Blue as he rubbed her back, though it did calm her down a bit. "He doesnt let us howl any more...we are not allowed to pray to mother moon. He makes us sit all day and night and if we run around its a whipping cause we have to be soft for dinner." She whimpered a little more and bit her fingers, fingers that were, aside from the whippings, filled with bite mark scars that had healed over due to her were abilities. She was in horrible need of sleep and comfort, if worse came to worse Blue may need to knock her out.


The girl looked up at Lulu and stopped to think for a little while before responding "May...My name is May." IT was common practice in the Kitchen to make the food, particularly children, remember their "Due" month, the month they are to be eaten. With Adults it is simply tattooed into them somewhere, like cattle while children are made to respond to their month as if by name. Since this was the month of May, her name was May, because she would be eaten during May. the same was true for every other child, male or female, were or human, that was to be eaten in May.

"Bury him...please..." She pleaded softly after looking at the body. "He was nice to me." She whispered, remembering his kindness while they were kept in the pens. Since children were not normally sexually active, there was no need to keep them separate and cause more fuss in the Kitchen. Angela looked saddened. 'It may have been better if she had died like the boy, painlessly and mercifully. Now she is a vampire and a slave....I can hardly imagine what Lulu will make her do.'
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Very well then." Lulu said as she summoned a servent to take off the body and give it a proper burial "Now then, what should we do first my child?" the tall vamp asked cradeling her newest childe to her boy lovingly, Lulu rarely ever turned anyone, in fact this girl was only the twelth person she had ever turned, and she had a habit of spoiling them, Venra was proof of this (X3) 'There's no need to wory of her pet, She'll be taken good care of, I might even let her use her real name if she asks me too.' Lulu's voice echoed in Angela's mind, both as reasurence and a reminder that she was always listening.

"Your not a meal anymore your a pet now, you'll need to sleep so you can do s Venra asks." Blue said as he continued petting on her "She'll be upset if your too tired to obey her...Go to sleep."
Lady Devimon's Minions
Angela winced and felt a pang of fear and pain in her heart as her mind was invaded again and again. "Will I ever have a private thought ever again?' she wondered as she watched them, the still naked girl pressed against Lulu's lushes body. She looked down at her clothes and closed her eyes, she wanted to get out of them, she wanted to be free of them badly, but dared not remove her second skin without Lulu's consent.

The girl looked up at Lulu and yawned softly, her warm red eyes still full of innocence. She curled up a little bit and said "Im sleepy mistress...I feel like its getting brighter outside...but its getting darker in my head." Indeed, it was becoming lighter and lighter outside, the morning was fast approaching, they would fall asleep soon, regaurdless of their will. Most Vampires that did not sleep in coffins often locked themselves in their rooms and slept in a bed, but only after making sure that no servants, human or were, could enter and kill them as they slept. If Lulu trusted Angela enough to be in the room with them while they were both completely helpless, then that was her choice, but Angela was only bound to her by fright, and the second Lulu lost her power over her she would slay her on the spot.


May looked at Blue and leaned towards him, resting her head on him, still chewing on her fingers. If Venra found the girl to much of a pain to keep around, then she would drain her regardless of their deal. The small were trembled with every movement and it soon became apparent that in addition to her being under an ungodly amount of mental stress, her body had suffered as well. She had terrible muscle atrophy, half of her trembling was due to this. In normal circumstances, her were abilities would make this impossible but it was likely she was being given drugs to suppress her healing enough to do this. The proof was on her fingers and hands, the fact that they scarred over meant that they were not healing fast enough to avoid scarring.

She whimpered a little more and said "Im afraid...Im scared...I cant cry though...not any more." She looked up at Blue with her large brown eyes, full of sadness and pain that belied her age. "Good weres dont cry..."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"That's only true for adults..pups should cry every chance they get...because when they grow up, they can't afford to." Blue said befre painlessly knocking the girl out, with rest she would hopefully gain enough strength to heal more, if only physicaly.

Lulu giggled as she laid down her childe and turned to Angela, moving with great speed she pounced her and pinned her down, after she pinned her down she produced a silver chain and bond the were to a link in the ceiling "Since you've ben good won't make you seep in the hole, and I'll even let you sleep in the nude!" Lulu teased giving her pet a quick nip on the neck before she rose and joined May in bed, pulling her close as possible and tucking them both in.
Lady Devimon's Minions
The girl fell into unconsciousness right away and moaned silently as she fell over, her naked body scarcely covered by her long hair. Luna slept as well and soon the sun rose, but Blue would not know this since there were no windows in his dungeon. Now he could sleep for until he awoke.


May yawned cutely and cuddled in close to her mistress, her still warm body pressed against Lulu's cold one. Angela was left hanging(?) from the ceiling by her arms(?) and was glad that she was allowed to remove her clothes before becoming completely immobile. She stood there on her tip toes, watching the two vampires as they slept. She had not eaten much in awhile...and now she had to stand all day long. She sighed and tried to fall asleep, tried to make the best of her horrible situation...But nothing helped and all she was able to get was some dozing off here and there.


Blue was awoke by a shutting door as two servants, both human, entered the pens. They both carried trays of raw meat and bowls of water. For Blue it was slid through the bars within reach, while Luna's cage had to be opened. The human kneeled down next to Luna and slapped her a few times to wake her up, the large man being rather gruff with a creature that could snap him in half under normal circumstances. "Time to eat." He said as she awoke slowly. Her body was too weak to move to the man tore off chunks of her meal and fed it to her slowly, giving her some water between bites. This continued until half her meal was gone, then he left, leaving the rest there.

Luna tried to get to her food, still very hungry and needing all the food she could get, as well as water. But as she crawled across the floor to her plate, she tipped the water and it spilled into a puddle next to her. She whimpered sadly and began to weakly lap it up with her tongue. Meanwhile, the small were girl still lay on the ground, unconscious and sprawled were Blue left her. It was likely that she was had been fed at least recently since skin and bones do not make for a good meal, but the food was likely less healthy than good old meat, and more than likely used to weaken her. Still, Blue needed food as well and waking her up would mean sharing, it was up to him.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Sorry for being so vague, I ws tired..It's around her neck, and it has enough slack to let her lie down, but keeping her from reaching anyone))

Blue watched na and sighed as she spilled her water, knowing he didn't need it as much he slide his water over to her and tore his meat in half so May could at when she woke "Are...are you okay?" he asked though a tight throat, even now still worried that she hated him.

Lulu purred happily as she snuggle with her new childe, her mnd buzzing with idea's at what the three of tem would do tomarrow night before she fell unconcous with her childe's face pressed against her beasts.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Luna hardly moaned and seemed oblivious to the water that had been slid to her, continuing to lap at the water right in front of her face. Her mind was only working at a basic level, even lower, since she was still only about three quarters done with her recovery. If Blue did nothing else then the day would pass and allow him rest.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Blue could only whimper as he wached, he had only seen such a thing twice boreand didn't know how to help, finally tired from worry he drifted into a nightmare filled sleep.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Up!" Came a familiar voice. "Wake up my puppies! Uppy Uppy!" The Dungeon echoed with a single set of foot steps as Venra made her way back down to her pets. Luna groaned but sat up slowly, kneeling with her knees apart and her arms down between them, sitting like some dog. May awoke more slowly but made up for lost time by yelping in fear at the voice of a vampire and scurrying to the back of cage, curling up and shaking badly afterward. Venra smiled as she looked them all over. "Are my puppies ready for a night of fun?" she asked cheerfully, with a cruel edge to her voice. Luna nodded and weakly responded "Yes mistress." The pup only whimpered and trembled, and then Venra's eyes landed on Blue, waiting to see what he would say.


The sun set and soon little May awoke, her bare body still pressed against that of her mistress, her face still snuggled into her breasts. she dared not move but did snuggle a little more as she awaited Lulu's awakening. Strangely, her body was still warm, something that should not have been for a vampire, and yet there it was, her warmth warming her mistress.

But May was not the only one in the room, was by far the most comfortable of Lulu's pets. Angela lay curled up on the cold ground in half were form, a far as the collar would allow her. She was shivering, the small amount of feat she gained from the transformation was not even a quarter of what she needed to stay warm. In fact the only fur she had was that on her pushy tail, and on her wolfy ears. Still it was better than nothing. She had not been fed at all that night since no servant, human or otherwise, wished to disturb Lulu during her sleep. Although a vampire could not move during the day, they could wake up and take notice of those who woke them up and issue punishments later.

And so Angela lay on the cold ground, naked and hungry and utterly miserable as she tried to think of anything other than her captivity, the pain she had suffered, or the smell of all the skinned weres that she could easily scent in the room. Needless to say, her sleep had been scarce and full of nightmares she would normally not wish to return to if it were not for the fact that her reality was that much worse.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"As you wish." Blue said simply, having been awakened by Venra's footsteps long before she had even spoke, he kneeled on one knee while instinctively keeping himself between the Blood General and the pup.

Lulu yawned happily as she awoke and bent down to give May a passionate kiss, she was curious about the odd warmth the girl held but would look into that after they had fed "Mmm, did you sleep well my dear?" she asked as she arose, still holding her childe close as she released Angela and summoned a servant to bring her some dog food and an illustrated menu for her and the newborn vamp.
Lady Devimon's Minions