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Strikeangemon: Ouch, little rough on the thing don't ya think? I'd figure just hurling him into the cold recesses of space would've been fine.

D-Shadow: Okay I'm getting bored. MINDY! Show them how it's done!

Mindy: *Shows up out of nowhere wearing a lucha libre mask* BUENO! *Jumps into the mud pit tackling Dot into the mud* Mui bien!
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
I-DMX: Oooh. LUCHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! *Large ring appears around the mud pool and grades appear everywhere for everybody to sit down*

Dot: EEK! *Falls to the muddy ground, her arms stopping to cover anything as she takes hold of Mindy* STOP! I don't like this! Grrr! *Growls threatengly cute*
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
D-Shadow: Please submit any complaints after the wrestling match is over and we'll get right on them.

Slash: Doesn't the complaint box empty into the furnace?

D-Shadow: Hehe, yeah.

Mindy: OH! Mui caliente! *Runs against one of the ropes, bouncing off and shooting at Dot*
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
I-DMX: Oh by the way, it's 'muy'. You need to use the greek I instead of the latin I.

Dot: Wow! I'm so proud! You learned grammar corr-EEK! *Gets hurled down to the floor by Mindy again* THAT'S IT! *Grabs Mindy and pulls her up with inhuman strength before she hurls the sheep down onto the mud with a big splash before she jumps and pounces Mindy down* Rawr!
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Mindy: Okay my knowledge of spanish and spanish wrestling comes from 2 episodes of Mucha Lucha. Just be happy I don't use a shoryuken or something. *Kicks up, wrapping her legs around Dot's midsection* You may be stronger, but I'm more flexible. *Flips backwards, lifting Dot off her feet and then slams her face first into the mud*

Shadow: What did man do before mud-wrestling was invented?
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
I-DMX: Let's take a peek! *Spawns Mastermune and slits the air causing a large screen of void to spawn* Now, channel 64.000.000 B.C. *swallow turns into remote and he flips channels rapidly down* *Sexy curvaceous blonde cavewoman comes out of the time screen*

Cavewoman: Where Ayla? Ayla not in Chief Hut! Where Crono?!

I-DMX: Now that's something you don't see everyday. Alternate dimensions mixing up with game dimensions.

Dot: *Lifts up from the mud, growling, standing on all fours, her chest bouncing when she did* You cocky- RAWR! *Pounces on Mindy again angrily*
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Shadow: Hmm, *Looks into the tear* That looks awfully familiar.

*In the screen*

Shadow: *Appears in a puff of smoke* ATTENTION MORTALS! I am your god, worship me, worship me!


Shadow: Hey this is kinda cool, wonder what's gonna happen next.

Slash: You remember that, it happened like a week ago. You thought it'd be interesting to go back in time and make mankind think of you as a god, it went good until they decided to try and sacrifice you.

Shadow: Oh, thanks, way to spoil the movie. Sheesh, this is worse then when we went to see star wars with that one guy.


Slash: I hate the part where qui-gon dies.

Darth Maul: Some of us haven't seen this you know!

Qui-gon: Yeah, thanks for the spoiler jerk.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Tigerlily: Hey hey no no girls for you I-Marrie! Only me! *pouts*

Kaze: Ahhh finished my business....*looks around* Why I have a feeling where not in-

Linvar: Don't say it, don't say it!!!

Lax: Kansas?
I'm more active in FA and DA now. Click here to look at my gallery!
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Mindy: Whoops, forgot about Dot, *Jumps up onto Dot's Shoulder* LUUUUUUCCCCHHAAAAA!! *Flips forward, slamming Dot into the mud, then jumps into the air flipping around and grabbing her legs, spinning slightly in the air before smashing into the mud*

Shadow: Oooh, that looked painful.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
I-DMX: Actually, it's not any girl I'd like to hump. Think she likes hitting with strong hammers and doesn't like lizards.

Ayla: Ayla looking Kino. No Kino no happy below. Ayla need snooze-snooze! *Tackles Shadow* Snooze snooze!

Dot: Aww... WAAAH! I'm losing! Not fairrr! *Cries*

I-DMX: Sorry Mindy, but nobody makes my sister cry. Except for me. *Snaps fingers, Dot suddenly growing ten times her original size, smashing Mindy onto the mud down her weight, her bra and panties obviously exploding, leaving her naked on the mud ring*

Dot: EEK! *Kneeling down onto the mud, having to cover herself again with her arms and tail* WAAAAH! I DON'T LIKE BEING BIG!!
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad