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Darkness to light (Silver/AWL)
"Heh...even cuter with clothes on!" The avian gently kissed Amy's cheek, patting her shoulder, before going over to his computer and checking his mail, seeing that he had another rescue assignment, sighing and rubbing his forehead. He turned to Amy, before speaking, "I'm going to have to go for a bit, Amy...I've got a job to do."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
This rescue was for a White, green eyed vixen who had been a slave for as long as Amy had, and under even stricter rule, always being forced to move from place to place and often served as the "main dish" At her master's parties. She was being held currently as a maid in a nearby mansion, serving several guests. Immediate rescue was was ordered, capture or termination of the master was also there but a secondary objective, though capturing masters helped to find out where these people were being sold from and helped but a stop to it. Amy was on the bed, her feet casually waving in the air as she made herself comfortable and turned on the T.V.. The magic box would keep her entertained for as long as it would take for him to get the job done.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Stay here, Amy, and don't get into trouble OK?" Ocax asked, gently kissing Amy's cheek and patting her head, before exiting the room, closing the door behind him. He sighed as he left the building, and went out to the garage, getting into his car and speeding off to the location, which was luckily not too far away. Upon arriving, he opened the glove compartment in the box, which contained an invitation to the mansion, provided by HQ. Hope this works! he thought as he walked up to the mansion, and rang the doorbell.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
After a few moments the door opened to reveal a very sexy woman, A Leena Hayheart, the owner of the estate. "Yes Yes? Who are?" She asked in a soft but impatient voice. She spotted the invitation before Ocax could respond and smiled "Ah you must be Mr. Rolson. Welcome, welcome to my humble home! Please come in!" She allowed him to step into the huge mansion and allowed him a moment to take in the gold ornaments, marble floors and crystal ceiling. "Well, lets go Mr. Rolson, the other guests are already enjoy the last show! I didn know if you were going to make it in time to see it!" She said leading the way down a corridor.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Heh, sorry for being late. I had attend to." The bird nodded, following the sexy female down the hallway, gulping a bit. Yeesh...for a bunch of rapists, they're pretty rich... he thought as he saw the nicely-decorated interior.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Understandable, I think we are actually on the last of the current play, the Golden Fleece, though the ending is by far the best part. You missed the scarlet harlot and the one before it but at least you have not missed the last two, they are my newest pets, and your possible future assets." Leena said as she led him into Large dark room which looked very much like an Arena. In the center there were several spot lights were a few actors were playing out a seen, including a large dragon. There was one though, who was not acting. The star of the show, who was currently chained up on the center stage, was not fallowing the script. "P-Please, somebody! D-dont just stand there!" She cried, tugging at her chains as the dragon grew nearer, a throbbing erection clear between his legs. She screamed. "No! No! Not again! For the love of god, one of you put a stop to this! I-I just want to go home!" But alas, this girl was not the target, and to save her now would be a violation of his mission and would likely end in his death due to all the guards that stood at every door. Ocax could do little as he Golden Fleece neared its finally.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Hmph...I see..." The avian put his talon on his chin as he watched, not able to help but get a little aroused at the sight. "Say, where is the restroom?" he asked the female, turning his head towards her.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Leena smirked and said "Now now, you wont have to resort to the lube and tissues if you have enough money to be here." She said slyly. "A servant will come to service you tonight before you sleep, my gift to you of course. But if you must know, its down the hall to the right, the third door down." She said as the Dragon mounted the poor girl, and he screams could be heard all over the castle. "Dont take to long though, the last play will display my other new item. You wont want to miss her." She said smiling.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Heh, sure." The bird chuckled softly, trying not to seem suspicious as he walked down the hallway, and into the bathroom, quickly getting into the stalls. "Now to plant the tracker..." he thought, lifting the top of the toilet, and reaching into his pocket, taking out a small device, and putting it on the underside of the lid, and pressing a button on it, before putting the lid back on. The device immediately began sending out a signal to the headquarters, giving the signal to send reinforcements there. The bird then exited back to where Leena was. "What'd I miss?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Nothing much. Just the end of the Golden Fleece." She shook her head and said "Really you must hold it in you missed the best part!" She said. On the stage lay the golden colored slave, whimpering and twitching, covered in dragon seed, covering pussy tenderly as more and more cum came out. Soon two other people came in and took her away, though she could hardly fight it after what had just happened. "Many of the other in the room clapped and nodded their approval, it was a fantastic show. "OK, now for my last show, please enjoy the Forest Princess!" Leena declared as the stages were set and the play started. Again the main lead was played by a young slave who had been recently captured and was frightened out of her mind. She had a matured body but her face said she could not have been a day over eighteen. "Please...Please some one...Im scared." She whimpered as the amazons captured her, then made love to her all in turn. Nothing interrupted the play, up till the ending, were the grand finale was set up as the defeated Princess was given to the forest god to pay for her sins. And so the Forest Princess ended in the poor girl being frightened half to death and raped by a strange tamed beast that Leena had apparently trained to rape on command. The girl came out of it just as badly if not worse than the one before her, held up only by her chains, weeping and crying for her mother and father as the breast finally left her. No word from HQ yet.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)