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Bleach RPG
Yoksen leaned against a wall, looking at Archaneous "How's the plan going on your side?"

Archaneous opened his eyes "We just need a little more muscle, which I suspect Vulpin is trying to get. Is your squad ready?"

"Yes. All of my squad is ready and awaiting the signal. She's coming back."Yoksen replied as he looked at the door, waiting for her to return.
OOC: I never mentioned what Salem's zanapakto looks like when its released did I? I'll do it sooner or later....maybe.
Lady Devimon's Minions
(Soul Society: High Securtiy Prison)

With a slam of the door Jena entered the prison once again with nothing in her hands just her arms crossed she stepped over to Archaneous's prison cell taking a glance around thinking she felt something...odd then looked at her prisoner. "Alright lets talk you..I'm not eagerly ready to trust the word of an Arcannar...I know within that mind of yours that you just want to grab the antidote, kill me and go unleash more hollows on the world, but I've been around too long to fall for that.." The dragonvixen let out a low growl before looking over her shoulder and quickly looked back to the arcannar.
Archaneous looked at her "How would I kill you? I'm locked in here and I'm sure it would take time to take effect. Besides, I'm not one for interrogations." His eyes suddenly widened as the markings disappeared from his body, and his heart was beating faster.
"Hm... I don't know... probably it's just something like incense that you're Captain has at his room." Kurtz thought quietly, pondering over the thought of the 'smell' as he sighed. "Jena, eh... that reckless and quite energetic vice-captain..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Jena thought for a moment then she got an idea she unsheethed one of her zanpaktos taking out a ruby red liquid filled vial placing it on the broad end of the sword before she pushes the blade through the spirit barrier into his cell "Here...thats the antidote...try to grab my sword you lose more of your spirit energy...and I don't think you can afford it in your condition. Once you take it then we'll talk about what we'll do with you."
Archaneous quickly grabbed the vial and drunk the antidote, his heart beating like it's in a race. A small blue orb left a small wound on his right arm and vanished. After his heart slowed down to the normal speed, he looked at Jena "I'll get out eventually, and when I do, this place will burn to the ground."

"I'm going to find a way to fill this hole in my stomache." Yoksen said as he left the room.
Jena quickly pulls her blade back from the barrier "Thats highly unlikely..even if you do manage to escape every captain and lieutenant will know about it and come running. Unlike in the human world you are severely outnumbered here and incase you didnt know when a shinigami is in the real world their powers are severely weakened to make sure we don't mess up the balance of life and death. In the Soul Society you'll find the captains here are a lot more powerful than when you fought with them before." the dragonvixen then growled hearing another voice "I thought I sensed something else!!!" she then glared at Archaneous "Have a little friend here huh? Well he'll soon have a cell of his own!" Jena then hastefully ran out of the prison trying to follow Yoksen.
Yoksen stopped and turned around, seeing Jena run out of the room "You aren't able to see me eh? But it seems you still hear my voice. Yet you don't seem to recognize it."

Archaneous watched her run out "She couldn't see him. Then that means" He thought back to when he impaled Yoksen He must've done something to keep his spirit living. Hopefully the plan can still work.
"Yeah, at least I'm pretty sure it was her scent, it was kinda odd." She scratched at her ear a bit, "But other than that no nothing out of the ordinairy I've noticed. But Kurtz," Katt jumped from the bed and landed infront of him, "What's an Arcannar? This is the first I've heard of them."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad