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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
"EEEEE!! Navi Bad!" the Mettaur squealed and suddenly delivered a Sonic Wave with the tip of its axe to Zephyr.

OOC: Well Marine often goes, it's a real pity that he's not on that much... and Kurtz's not really doing anything.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Ow! Why you little..." Zephyr growled, spiking the Mettaur with the blade-end of his naginata.

"I tried to warn you, Zeph." Alex said, twiddling a chip between his fingers. "Need any help?"

"To delete a Mettaur? Are you serious?!" Zephyr cried indignantly as he pulled his weapon free of the virus, smiling smugly as it erupted into fragmented data.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
OOC: I had important business to take care of


"Four minutes until Full Acceleration. Beginning Coil Gyration." Threatened the Generator AI.

Auspex fell transfixed to the emitter beam jutting from the Emerald into the Fire Wall. A thick thread of light, glossed smoked-quartz by the light, and pulsed against the wall. Thin wave lengths of electromagnetic radiation flowed down the length of Foxies Domain. Anything within its touch would melt binary by binary.

A soft explosion caused him to glance upwards. Smoke coiled from the pine grove a mile--maybe two--lined abreast against an open clearing. One-third of the Chamberlain detail were dug-in there and a good portion of heavy weapons to boot.

"It's getting their attention I see." He said to an off-hand Trooper. "Most of them should be in-fighting before getting here."

The Trooper ushered the last of the Heavy Weapons from the Rebel weapons lockers and joined his Commander beside the generator. 'Reports detail the Communitorium are hitting us now. Light stuff: infantry and flak jackets.'

"Testing the water before the jump."

'Do you really think all the Factions are going to show up?'

Auspex glanced at the Trooper a head shorter than he. "Like knats. The energy given from the Emerald mimicks the weapons of the Bassillicas, which are rare enough."

Gunfire exploded, louder, deeper in the trees. Startled shouts of men were drowned by insectious chatter. One squad broke from the generator and pressed into the forestry, guns chattering nervously through the thickets. Low voices resounded through the micro beads, solid and brass, marveling their words as they lush through their lips.

'Communitorium regulars are pressing against Sector 04 and 05. Ammunition and men resupply ASAP.'

'Local patrols attacked by Antlion groups. Standard bug, engage if necessary, push forward and reinforce.'

'Three unidentified Navis patrolling Firewall Blind Side, advise'

Auspex thumbed his micro-bead. "What are they doing?"

'Doing?' The voice paused. 'Attempting to interface into firewall via codec hacking. Defect?'

"Round them up and bring them here."

'Confirmed. Estimated time arrival fourteen minutes.' The voice clicked off his micro bead.


Wary of the several clones around Leviathan, Scout Officer Levay Turst rose from his shelter of abuttment roots and log rot. He racked his shotgun slide...

Quote:as it erupted into fragmented data.

I'll let it slide since it was a random enemy, but next time bear in mind I was controlling the Mettaur, Calibremon.

And Marine- dude, do you have telepathetic powers or what? lol


It was then Foxy decided to hack into their fun. "Let's see wether he likes me invading his things then!" she giggled darkly, teleporting behind the device Auspex had used, her stealth function was more than sure to cover her from the time being.

Inside the domain, it was evident Foxy expected lots of company, there were Bladias and Brutes, large armor knights with colossal blades and enormous wolves made of blazing black fire. They all prepared assault to every intruder invading the place.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Slash turned around the corner, spotting an unknown Navi standing infront of him, Great, another one. Probably another lackey of that nutjob. He thought as he landed softly on the ground and readied his wings to attack, "HEY. What are you doing here?" He shouted to get the Navi's attention.


"Got it." Leviathan smiled as the final number clicked into place, "How's Slash?" She asked.


"Found another Navi, engaging him now." Izuna said.

"He'll be fine." Shadow said spotting a quick nod from Slash, "Enter the domain and try to find Pyro."


"No prob, shouldn't be too hard considering the firewall. Probably doubt anyone would be able to get through it." She smiled, "Won't be needing these." She said as her clones instantly exploded into water before defraging, "Okay let's go. This'll be easy as," Leviathan walked through the firewall and found herself staring straight at a large group of viruses, "cake. Okay, this might be a problem."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Sorry, didn't think you'd mind ^^; It WAS just a Mettaur...

Zephyr turned, looking at Slash out of the corner of his eye. "Minding my own business..." he said calmly, resting the end of his weapon on the ground. "Who are you, if I may be so bold as to ask?"

"Careful Zeph... that's a Navi, and a powerful one at that..." Alex remarked, sitting up and paying careful attention for once, still figiting with the Battle Chip in his hand.

"I hope you're not here to pick a fight..." Zephyr said, tensing slightly. "I'm just passing through... But if you're really intent on fighting..." He shifted his weight, gripping the energy blade in both hands.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Sorry," Slash said relaxing a bit, "Just hasn't been a friendly place so far. Sure you'll understand the mistrust."


"Slash if he's not here to fight get back to Leviathan. She could use some help."


"I'd suggest you hurry if you're just passing through, this place isn't exactly disney world." Slash said as he floated up off the ground began back the way he had come.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Zephyr blinked and called out to stop him. "Hey! You look kinda busy... is there something I can do to help at all?"

Alex coughed and spluttered, choking on another soda. "What!? Since when did we be come the Salvation Army!?" he demanded.

"hush you..." Zephyr muttered.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

'Three minutes untill Full Acceleration. Activating Shield Recycling.' The A.I. murmured.

It felt longer. Auspex counted in his head and watched the onboard timer in his HUD. He counted to 70 when the timer reached 60, but that's odd, was there a stutter or did he forget a Mississippi? The counting eluded his mind, kept him pre occupied from the distant rumbles under foot.

'Sir.' The head-shorter Trooper said. 'Sir?'

His voice penetrated and jarred Auspex alert. "What?"

'Inbound scouts report the front treeline has fallen to the Communitorium. Luckily they drew the bugs attention from our receeding lines, but I don't know for how long. We'll dig in at the second line.'

The Viral Commander shook his head. "No. Have everyone jump back to the third, make room, dig in deep. The undead have been spotted around the second line too, obviously drawn to the slain Rebel fodder." He displayed a map in the Troopers HUD. "The third line is far enough to avoid all three and encompasses the entire firewall. Our enemies will fight against each other and the pieces will fall against the line."

'And the Navi's already around the wall?'

"Round 'em up. We have to draw in our forces to have a decent push in."

"Shield Recycling complete. Beginning portal tear."

They looked up. Bright cobalt light emitted from the Emerald and shot through the beam, turning it navy, colliding into the firewall to shake its foundation. At the beam's focal center, a small bore appeared and Foxies Domain walls could be seen. The Generator rumbled.

"Caution; Caution: Venting plasma overheat. Please retreat to designated containment areas."

Auspex and head-shorter backed away until plopping down an entrenchment. He glanced above the trench lip. Ventillation ducts at the Generators base and top began venting boiling green vapor, used plasmatic-data superheated through the energy process.

"This is it, open Pyroman's channel to his Op and give him battle chip access. But above all Pyroman cannot go beast or She That Laughs Last will pay him a visit..."

A trooper nodded and set off from the trench as the clouds, now water, boiled past them.


Mar's PET beeped. It churred and booted online, revealing Pyroman's restrained point of view.

'Your connection to your Navi has been restored to further recapture Pyroman.exe into safe hands.' An unemotional voice intoned. Caution, Pyroman's battlechips must be the only means of combat. Use of his Cyber Beast will encourage She Which Dances With Swords, so prohibition is required.'

Auspex's voice emerged next. "It is imperative you use only Battle Chips here Mar. I assure you that my forces will bring your Navi back safe, but you cannot let Pyroman's CyBeast out. She That Laughs Last isn't something we want visiting right now."

Quote:OOC: Well Marine often goes, it's a real pity that he's not on that much... and Kurtz's not really doing anything.

I... guess I don't know where to fit mehself in. n_n;
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds