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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
OOC: ready whenever you are ^^
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
OOC: Got some faces to place with the names?

The riverbank was peppered with craters on its furthest side, where Auspex's men attempted to ford across, securing a place somewhere deep inside the forestry. Grenade explosions barraged the opposite shoreline. A sqaud of Troopers began their push into the white wash, guns held high, re-breathers strapped with water-proofing plasticard, drenched in acrid smoke and water.

Gunfire withered overhead. A bullet struck an advancing trooper in the chest and dragged him underneath the foam. Two more stopped marching, poised their rifles, returning the fullisade, hot muzzle fire steaming their helmets clean. Minutes later the squad had stalled on the opposite bank, their Sergeant slouching with a bore in his chin, his blood dying the water like the others.

But his sacrifice encouraged other Trooper Squads to press on.

The bitter cough of rifles slewed into the chopping gulp-gulps of the river current. Auspex relished the sound, he absorbed its foresight. His boots groaned around the cold water. Armored greaves sizzled, his breather tubing condesnsed and whined, the water churned with the thrush-thrush pumping of his legs, caressing droplets and steam across his armored chest. He could hear himself yelling, deafly, but watching the Troopers comply.

"Ford the River you dogs! Charge them!"

Soon the Banris River expunged its load. Over thirteen hundred bodies rose from it, and in a picture-esque moment, carried the body of water with them, until gravity shook from its jealously and tore it back into the river bed. Auspex discharged a bullet into the forestry and glanced along the battle line.

The estranged enemy blockading their territory had fled the forests. In their wake buildings burned: a lumber mill's logging flume disintergrated underneath a grenade, crude pillboxes were blown open and billowing smoke, and primitive bunkers, dug into shallow hills, were gutted.

Auspex's Chamberlain 12th Troopers pressed forwards. An entire regiment seemed to drown every blade of glass, peat, moss, and molding caracass. The air grew heavy. It reeked of gun oil.

"This is the spot. Necrophylus Sanction 24 houses a gate that will lead directly into Foxies domain and personal space." Next to him, the Trooper's head disintegrated in a fern leaf of blood. "Secure this Sanction." Auspex bellowed.
Slash floated around following the small trail left behind by Pyro, without much ease as the signal seemed to fade to nothing randomly making it nearly impossible to track. He raised up his visor and looked around the area, no signs of any serious damage meaning no fighting had gone on here. "Dammit. I knew we shouldn't have gone with that Auspex guy. I knew it'd only lead to trouble."

*Real world*

Shadow put down his magazine and went to the computer, Okay, now I'm worried., he thought as he noticed that Pyro had dissapeared completely from his screen. He opened up a window and typed out a hasty letter sending it off. Hope she can help.


"A letter just arrived." A navi said as it's mail symbol lit up.

"Delete it, probably just junk." A female voice stated from behind a rather large book.

"It's from Shaun." The Navi stated.

"Why didn't you say so?" The girl said as she moved to the computer in no time flat, "What's the problem..." She quickly read over the letter, "Okay, suit up. Looks like some fun."

OOC: In a rush so I'll add info on these two later.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Yay! Sounds fun!


Foxy was roaming her space, she had concealed the image of her hideout with a powerful auto-firewall. So it looked like another normal wall to her numerous ones in the circus-like space; at minimum hostility towards the wall they'd be set on and would automaticall engage into battle with its agressor, so it was a perfect concealment and defense for PyroMan.

(Real World)

"What are you talking about?!" Mar shouted as he jumped from the couch he was in and rushed over to Shadow, "How is it that he's gone? Did the tracer stop working?!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Curses..." Zepyr said, looking around, leaning on his staff, which emitted a constant beam of energy from one end. His features were fox-like and grey, and his body armor resembled something vaguely japanese; all flat plates and panels. He walked forward, looking around the tiny section of the net he was in. His one hand was ever-tense around the shaft of his weapon, ready to defend himself at a moment's notice.

"What is it?" Alex, his operator, called. Alex was a thin, pale boy with small glasses and long, brown hair. He stared into the screen of his hatchet-like PET, slightly tense.

"Looks like whatever hot tip on a fight you got fell through... there's nothing here but wasted data..." Zephyr called back, continuing to shuffle through the network paths.

"Well that kinda sucks..." Alex said, his hand in his pocket, fiddling with the chips he kept there. "I was looking to pick a fight..." he muttered as he started to relax.

"Me too Alex... Me too..." Zephyr said, continuing to walk, his armor clanking slightly. "Maybe if we keep looking, we'll get lucky..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
OOC: Any spaces still?
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: It's up to Shadow and DMX, but I think they'll let you in ^^; They only just restarted the RP
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
OOC: Plenty of room. Well infinite actually. So long as you don't mind coming in 15 pages in then you're welcome to join.


"It's possible." Shadow said as he clicked a few buttons, "But with that thing blocking my signal I can't know for sure. Could be he's somewhere that's blocking any signals from leaving too. That would make it dissapear."


"Necrophylus? What the heck would Slash be doing in that place. And how could they have gotten there? We made sure that place was inaccessable to any civilian navis."

"Perhaps someone let them in. It's an area that's nearly impossible to enter and all but impossible to escape. The perfect place for a trap."

"Well good thing we can get in there." The girl picked up her PET which was a translucent blue color which seemed to flow as it caught the light of the room, "Jack in, Leviathan.exe transmit!"


A blue flash lit the space up as Leviathan appeared. "Okay all ready Izuna."

*Real world*

"Okay, I'll open the portal now." with a few keystrokes a small transporter opened in the space a small set of wings emblazoned above it, "Okay the route's open."


Leviathan walked through the portal transporting instantly to Shadow's homepage, "Hello? What no welcoming commity?"


"Leviathan, was worried you and Izuna wouldn't come." Shadow smiled with relief as Izuna's face appeared on the screen.

"After such an interesting letter how could I not? You really know how to set the bait." Izuna said.

"Was in a rush, you don't even know the half of it. Long story short me and my friend here got involved accidentally with the netmafia. Now some random guy comes and takes our Navis saying he's with the officials. Name's Auspex, ring a bell?"

Izuna closed her eyes and rested her head on her hand, "Can't recall it."

"Knew that guy wasn't with the officials."

"Now hold up," Izuna interupted, "Just cause I haven't heard of him doesn't mean he's not legit. Don't claim to know everyone in the group. Anywho, don't think we have time for chatting. I assume you have the route Slash took?"

"Yeah, sending it now." Shadow said as he attached the map file to an e-mail and sent it out.

"Got it." Leviathan said, "I'll have em both back in no time." She said as she stepped through the portal to the net.


Character data:

Operator: Izuna.
PET: Small handheld version, translucent blue plastic casing with a darker blue inside creating a visual effect like it's water.
Unique program advance: Tsunami dragon. (Water tornado 1, 2, and 3.) Creates a large scale tornado of water that takes on the shape of a dragon and crashes into the opponent. Covers the area in water which will also impede the movements of non-water type navis.
Chips: water, healing.
Synch chip: yes.
Info: A net official, friend of Shadow (Shaun) from his old home, about 3 years older than him. Bit of a tomboy.
Description: Hair died a dark blue, white shirt with a light jean jacket over it and short pants. Wears glasses.

NetNavi: Leviathan
Element: water.
Special tech: Mizu bunshin (Water clone) Creates a number of clones of herself, each is 1/10 as strong as her. Make a good distraction.
CyBeast program: uhhhh, leviathan? (large sea dragon)
Advantages: water panels don't slow her down.
Disadvantages: electric chips deal twice as much damage and will stun her for longer than other Navis.
Description:[Image: RMZeroBlueGeneral.jpg]
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad



@ Kurtz: Go ahead! It'll be great to add more people in!


Mar growled as his heart skipped a bit, then he tried to calm down, "Who's the girl?" he asked, impatient to know about PyroMan. "Will she help Pyro? Can she tell us where he is?" he asked relentlessly as he worried.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Heat plumed at his back. The air grew thick, the vapours igniting into invisible steam. Wood smoke, chalky and gritty, fogged his vision, periodically blotting the movement of his Troopers. Ash snowed his boots. Somewhere within earshot, sparse Rebel groups guerilla against his men, shooting rifles and pistols.

Auspex glanced back at the burning Lumber Mill. Several Troopers had set torches and thermal grenades to it, to the plank yards. Everything was immolated with fire.

'It's safe to assume full control of Sanction 24 Sir.' The Engineer said. He had divested his carapce plating for the slim flak jacket underneath, a sub-machine gun rigged in a chest harness. 'The last phlem of Rebels are receding now.'

The Viral Commander shrugged. "They've grown passive in hiding."

'We can use the bunkers left behind in the fight. A couple bricks and spackle and they'll withstand tank shells.'

Auspex nodded. "Do it. The heavier our presence the less likely we'll be disturbed by the other factions. We need total regression in order to open the gate, more so if there's a firewall to impede us."

The Engineer nodded and left his side. As he dissapeared into the forests, another Trooper was running up. He wore the Chamberlain livery of red, black, and white puzzle camo and saltued. Auspex returned the greeting.

'The Rebels have been successfully repelled from the Sanction.' He said.

"I want you to detail several squads to patroll the forest hills. The rebels might be defeated now but only in suprise, they will return with a greater number."

'Yes sir.'

Auspex tapped his shoulder. "Take anything you need, an Engineer or heavy weapons, enough to keep out unwanted company." The Trooper left his side. "A little un-orthidox to get a couple Navis, but it must be done."