The Yuri Resort
04-15-2007, 06:21 AM,
RE: The Yuri Resort
Renamon watched as Anna slipped into the pool, still wearing her camo bikini.

"Why do you humans insist on wearing those? I don't wear any clothes and honestly, the feel of water against your nethers is divine..." se commented. The next moment she was slapped in the face with a wet bikini.

"Smart-ass." Anna said, now nude below the surface of the water. She looked up as Aubrey headed towards the pool. "hmmm... who's this?"
04-15-2007, 04:23 PM,
RE: The Yuri Resort
Audrey smiled, looking over her shoulder at Palmon. "Just down to he pool to soak..." she said. As she reached the pool area, she looked around, choosing a spot that was a little further away from everyone. She closed her eyes, frowning in concentration for a moment, then opened her eyes again as her short dress retracted into the vine on her arm, leaving her completely exposed as she slipped into the water.
04-15-2007, 04:41 PM,
RE: The Yuri Resort
Anna swam over to Aubrey, smiling slightly. "Hi there... You're new at the resort, huh?" she asked.
04-16-2007, 12:15 AM,
RE: The Yuri Resort
Audrey nodded slowly, a little unsure of herself. She hadn't dealt with many humans, and she kept mostly to herself around other digimon too. "Yes, I am..."
04-16-2007, 04:14 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-16-2007, 11:36 AM by Kalyx.)
RE: The Yuri Resort
"Mmmmm, you feel so warm and soft...and you smell", Magenta was starting to lose control of her libido. Releasing her clutch on Kim, she turned around, in the direction of their rooms, grasped her hand with her paw, "Kim...let's go back to our rooms. I-I don't think I can contain myself much longer...and...I don't want to cause a public we heard awhile ago in the corridor...okay?" The Renamon shifted her weight from leg to leg, as her pussy began to moisten.
04-16-2007, 07:30 AM,
RE: The Yuri Resort
Anna smiled as Renamon walked over, leaning against the side of the pool. "My partner, Renamon..." she said as Renamon nodded politely. "So what brings you here?"
04-16-2007, 08:20 AM,
RE: The Yuri Resort
Kim nodded, taking Magenta's hand in her own. "I.. I think thats a good idea..." "If we don't hurry up and get in there.. I won't be able to stop myself..." she thought, her pussy becoming slightly damp as her active imagination played out some of what she wanted to do.
04-16-2007, 11:56 AM,
RE: The Yuri Resort
As the two approached their rooms, at the far end of the corridor, Magenta fumbled for her room key within the confines of her violet-colored gauntlet. She was visibly anxious and could barely concentrate at the task at hand. Removing the key, she became all thumbs, allowing it to fall from her grasp to the carpeted floor below. "Damn!", she whispered to herself, "I can't even hang on to a key, let alone a...", stopping herself short as Kim neared her.
04-16-2007, 12:46 PM,
RE: The Yuri Resort
Kim giggled slightly, bending down and picking up the key for Magenta. "Relax... I'm not going anywhere... Unless you want me to..." she said, squeezing Magenta's hand gently as she placed the key back into it.

She looked up into her eyes, smiling warmly. "Everything will be fine..."
04-16-2007, 02:03 PM,
RE: The Yuri Resort
"Not many places in the human world will accept a digimon like me... I don't have a partner.. and don't even appear to be in their database of known digimon... But this place seems to let just about anyone in.. well.. any woman in..." she said, looking a little more confident now. "Only other place that would le me in was this erotic dance club down the street.. I decided against that one because of its nearly all male atmosphere.. and.. I don't like to dance.."