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[ RPG ] Battle Network!! *EDITED RULES*
This coming from the psychopath that seems to shoot anything that moves. Slash thought as he drank down the coffee, his HP recovering slightly. None of this makes sense though, if this place is so dangerous why would he cut us off from our OPs? He must know we're less powerful without them. That reminds me, Slash glanced over at Auspex, he's able to use his abilities. Official Navi's are able to use chips without an Operator but they're also supposed to show their IDs when asked under most circumstances. Something here's just not adding up. Maybe it's just because this guy seems like a whiz at ticking me off, but I don't trust him as far as I could kick him.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I'm not scared, I'm just a bit" Pyro talked, coughing a bit, "Wary of this place..." It's so eerie... I can't control myself without Mar... Hope they don't do anything harmful while we are alone... he thought worriedly, then lowered his head, his ears dropping as his eyes stared onto the floor.

It was then that something happened to the east of the facility, explosions, and various blasts spreading fire everywhere, the east winged was being attacked. Question was, by who?
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

Grave stirred, and raised his head nonchalantly. "I suppose Wulvern's going to scold me again for sleeping to long." He said to himself. "Strangely, I don't hear the little virus at all." he checked his Pet. "What? Wulvern's stats are all critical? How could this be? What have I slept through this time?"

"Yay... Grave's up... I'm... I'm gonna give him a piece... piece of my mind..." Wulver growled weakly.
The food table shuddered from the thump of explosions. Hot coffee tipped over and spileld into the sandwiches, pictures and maps flew from their wall posts, and anything unbolted from the ground shook. Auspex placed his cup down, grabbing his rifle, loaded a bullet into the chamber.

"Oh," Another rumbling explosion paused him. "Good. More company."

"Tactical Situations East Wing, Code 911 and 313. Acknowledge and advise." The micro bead link said. Troopers were answering the exlposions. "Unconfirmed movements, counter assualt."

Light, muffled gunfire seeped into the room. "Whoever it is keep them away from the hangars. Platoons Alpha and Centauri remain at the Necrophylus platform." He spoke into the bead. Turning to Pyro and Slash, he sighed. "Looks like you get your wish Dumb Dumb, we're leaving. Now."

Auspex returned to the bead. "Press into it. Keep them back."

"Acknowledged." The voice replied. "Verify Code Decipher."


Outside in the Navi platforms, the Urban Iken had abandoned their posts. Noise of gunfire grew louder. The Navis below murmured, some whimpered, but remained in their line.

Auspex opened the door leading towards the Necrophylus Platforms. An explosion blew out the overhead windows above him and a Troopers limp body flew onto the platform floor. "Target outside, targets outside, surround and contain." Blipped the bead.

"Are you two just going to sit there?" He spat at Slash and Pyroman, "Get your rears in gear we gotta get into Necrophylus."
Tempest grinned, she poofed her chest back and nuzzled Wulvern as if he was his protector, "Teehee, now what about taking me onto a date?" she said, giggling.

Why does this Necrophylus sound as something that's definately not good? PyroMan hesitated, backing off a bit from his sitting position. The Navigator looked at everywhere, before one explosion made him gasp. Next to him, the wall on his side had blown up, before he could even squirm, he had disappeared from sight.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Slash stood up quickly at the rouse of fire, his wings instinctively folding around him to provide a shield against most attacks, "Gotta love the ambience of this place dont't ya?" he said sarcastically.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Minutes after the initial explosions, 'Saving Grace' had churned into a staggering warzone. Troopers sprawled along their stations were engaging the invaders with anything at hand. They fought on loading platforms, elevator freights, narrow walkways, and the train stations outside.

Troopers filed past Auspex both to and from the Necrophylus platform. The light gunfire turned heavier now, the distinct thumps of grenades thundering through the walls. He continued down the catwalk and unto the platform loading dock dragging Slash with him, rifle against his back, fists clutched.

"Somehow, I don't know why or how, you two did this." He pointed to Slash and stopped at emptyness next to him. "Where did the brainy one go?"

An explosion drew is attention upwards. Through the overhead skylight, climbing the building to its roof, Troopers dripped from their ladder rungs. Glinting Shurikens pulped the entire unit to the grounds below. Auspex armed his rifle.

"This is getting annoying." He said. "Find where Pyromon went and get ready to move!" He shouted, through the bead or to himself. "It's that little vixen trying to recapture my--er, our Pyroman!"
PyroMan disconcertated, looked on his left and on his right, trying to search the reason why he had disappeared suddenly, "Man... where am I?" he asked no one, before his question was abruptly answered by his captor.

Foxy grinned down her mask, "Hello cutey, missed me?" she giggled.

"HUH?!" Pyro widened his eyes, then discovered he somehow couldn't move even though he was only being carried, "What's this?!"

"Teehee! I just jammed your movility program! You won't be able to move till I disable the virus" Foxy told him, before she leaped outside the building, making sure they wouldn't see her escape.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Slash had just now noticed Pyroman's absence, he glared quickly back at Auspex, "For your sake you better hope nothing happened to him, or I'll personally rip you apart byte by byte." He swore as his visor dropped over his eyes and began scanning the area, Luckily I don't need Shadow here to use this. Let's see if I can lock onto Pyro's unique signal, He followed the trail up to a large hole in the wall near where they were sitting, That's odd. If he had been deleted his Signal wouldn't still be lingering. Slash continued scanning around but his visor was made more for finding and decoding simpler programs, not something as complex as another Navi. His visor raised up as he looked back to were the explosions were coming from, "I can't find him, but I know he's at least safer than we are." He thought aloud as he watched the attack.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
PyroMan gasped, "Wait... if you're here with me... then who's attacking?!" he asked as he looked back at the huge conglomerate, which was shrinking in his vision as the fox shaped navigator ran.

Foxy giggled, "Who else? My viruses!" she grinned down her mask.

"Stop playing around and get him to your Space again. Last time you failed transferring that Cybeast, we won't let it happen again" a female voice said from apart.

"Aww, you always quit my fun, at least let me cause that stirred guy some problems! He's always bossing us around because of his army of viruses, I'll show him one!" the navi said.

PyroMan was confused, but listened carefully.

"Very well, but don't return, every second counts. And we're better off with a Cybeast ourselves than having them capture it."

"Alright my dears! You heard her!" Foxy smiled and looked back, comunicating with all the virus outside the building. "DESTROY THAT BUILDING!!"

Outside, tons of Snipers and Catapult viruses were unloading blasts and pellets continously, guns and cannons were heard all over. All the attacks slowly starting to consume the whole building. Of course they all stayed back on purpose.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad