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Southern Cross
Shadow didn't even blink as a large group of almost a dozen armed men advanced towards him, "Oh come on now, this is hardly fair,"

The closest one to him smiled confidently as he charged, his weapon drawn and ready.

Shadow effortlessly knocked his arm aside, reaching out and snapping the soldiers neck killing him instantly. It took only a split second but to the watching soldiers it seemed almost to go in slow motion as their comrade fell to the ground lifeless, "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted. This is hardly fair, if you'd like I can wait for you to get reinforcements."

Shadow grinned darkly as he drew out his long sword, "In three seconds, anyone still standing here will begin dying. If you don't want me to kill you, I'd suggest you run. If you're smart enough to, I promise I won't kill you." Shadow smiled as a few soldiers intstantly turned tail and ran, Fools, all I said was that 'I' wouldn't kill them, didn't say anything about my friends. He looked at the remaining soldiers, enjoying the obvious fear in their eyes, realizing the hoplessness of their situation, "Why so tense? Tell you what," Shadow put his sword away and smiled, "I won't even use my weapon. That sound fair?" He smiled as he spotted a few smiles on some of the faces. "Let's start then shall we?"

"DIE!" One soldier charged, followed by a number of the others.

Fools. Shadow smiled as he doged the initial attack, grabbing the soldiers arm and throwing him into the advancing group, knocking them to the floor. He had no time to enjoy as he moved backwards just in time to avoid a slash from another soldier's sword, he grabbed the person's arm and twisted it back, jutting the sword into his back as he still held it and letting him fall to the ground, "Weak, you cross fools are all so weak!" Shadow charged into the group, a stray punch flew at him from one of the soldiers, he grabbed his fist, smiling as he squeezed tightly, breaking every bone in the human's hand and then slamming his head into his face, blood pouring from the soldiers now broken nose.

"Don't give up! There's only one of him!" A man shouted from the group as more came forward attacking.

"I may only be one," Shadow laughed a bit as two soldiers charged him from the sides, he grapped both their wrists and spun around sharply, releasing them both and hurling them into the crowd, "But I have more strength in my pinky than all of you put together."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Never thought a source of energy could be pinky!

Pinky: I am his weak spot! Troz!

DMX: Hey!

Dot: Yeah, I think, he's going to spoil everything Shadow has,

DMX: Troz is Zort backwards! Hahaha! Troz!

Pinky: Zort!

Dot: Suuuure... uhh... *Starts stepping back*


The little portion of the group Shadow had let go re-entered the forest, scared to death, but stopping inside hoping to ideate a backup plan.

On top of a tree, there was the pantheress, thinking to herself, Thanks Shaun she giggled darkly, before she blurred out.

Seconds later, from the forest, alarming screams came out, "AHHHHH!!", "NOOOOO!!", "MERCY!! PLEASE!!", "GYAAAAHHH!" and even splattering noises, along with clashing metal cutting through bones and flesh could be heard soundily, discouragement for the resistance out the forest, music for the Insanes.

"Uhm... alright" Dot lowered her ears, trying to calm herself down as she took walk to follow Kurtz up.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ikonnen, blinking even more, pulled his paw back once again from Colby's grasp. "Why does she insist putting her paw on mine?" He gulped, before nodding, addressing the Doctor. "Yes... come in, Doctor. Take a seat that you want."

Still walking, Zerus glanced at Yoosei once more, taking a sigh. "Oh come on... I know you care about me... but please... I want to do as much as I can by you're side... and not be dwindled down by simple coughs." He swished his bushy tail once.

Taking a sigh, the red-haired dragon lowered his head. "Sorry... I should've said something before trying." He swished his tail once, as the lift started to move back down; Dot and Kurtz both plummeting along with the lift slowly down into the lower levels and darkness.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

The elderly red dragon entered and gave a salute to the dog before speaking, "Thank you, sir. It seems this young lady here thinks you have a problem." Dr. Kamaki chuckled a bit though Ada gave just a slight scowl.

"I said it might just be stress, but better safe than sorry." The vixen sighed a little before taking a seat, Ada hoping she was correct in her assumption.

The doctor ended his chuckle and continued, "Well, in any case I should have a look at you Sir Ikonnen, you haven't had a checkup lately so lets be off to the medical bay."

Crimson took a deep breath of the fresh air as he headed in the direction of the airship remains, some of the science officers working with a team of engineers on the Ragnarok. A rather burly tiger laughed upon seeing Crimson before declaring, "Well you kids really did a number on this bird!"

"Just how long will it take to fix this thing?" asked the fox scientist, a bit peeved by the engineer's arrogance.

"About ten days..." he answered, pausing as he saw the gunman head for the metal heap.

"Don't be silly, with me helping we'll make it a week." With that they began the massive undertaking of repairing the draconic airship.

Jedrek huffed upon seeing Shadow letting some of them go. "So it's agreed this was a lousy idea...honestly what a waste of our talents. The three of us should be slaughtering those fools to the South." ...Lord why have you not given us any new orders...have you no need for us anymore, is that it?
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Silver stepped out of the VR then smelled an awfull odor "Wh..what IS tha? he sniffed and ended his nose down to his chest and coughed "..oh..its me.." The wolf was completely sweaty from the continuous work out without bathing "..stinky dog..need shower." With a light chuckle he went into the training room's showers, showering himself then came back out redressed then looked down and blinked "Whoa..need new pants..." With that the silver wolf stepped out of the training facilities and walked down to his room and entered.
A bead of sweat dripped down the side of Kit's face, her fur now matted down with it as she focused on controlling her new power. A task that was more complicated than she originally expected. She was able to summon flames easily now, but couldn't control them, almost as if they had a mind of their own. "Come on you stupid fireball, do what I tell you." She said as she launched it at a small ice target she had created for practice, the fireball launched but quickly exploded midflight, a distance away from the target. Kit paused a moment, catching her breath. Using her magic this much was a bit exhausting, "Why won't it do what I want? What's the diffrence between my fire spells and my ice spells?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ooc: Shadow what about Kellie?
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
OOC: What about her?

Slash: *Smacks Shadow upside the head* She means you forgot her.

Shadow: Oh, right. Sorry bout that.


"Ready and willing." Shadow smiled, his cock starting to stand up slightly.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
It was then that Kubrika heard Jedrek's thoughts, his meditation let him see anything he wished to see, and he was seeing them battle. It's a pity they don't understand, even they don't know they are always usable he thought, going back into his thoughts, and partly enjoying their battle.

In a flash, Lucca was outside, behind Jedrek but giving his back to her, her Murasame being tainted in blood. She darkly smiled, "Ain't you having fun?" she asked as she slashed upwards, the human attempting to slash Jedrek from behind getting sliced in two by the cursed katana. "Oh, and watch your back, don't wanna get yerself killed" she smiled a bit.

Dot shook her head a bit, "You are okay... I'm glad for that" she said in an unsure voice. She was quite worried at that time, not knowing what was going on with Kurtz; since they had gotten to the North, it seemed as if he had changed completely.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"This is getting kinda boring." Shadow yawned as he kicked a soldier in the chin watching his neck snap back as he fell over, "These fools don't even count for a warmup."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad